Great Game East: India, China and the Struggle for Asia’s Most Volatile Frontier by Bertil Linter, Publishers: Yale University Press, New Haven & London, 2015

Arthur Conolly, an intelligence officer of British East India Company, conceived the expression “great game” to define the strategic rivalry between the British and the Russian empires to acquire supremacy in Central Asia. It was further used to ....

What happened at World Health Assembly?

There is considerable confusion as to what happened in the diplomatic bridge game between rising China and declining US, declining at an accelerated pace under President Trump, who holding trumps got trumped badly by President Xi Jinping who finessed....

The China-Pakistan Economic Corridor of the Belt and Road Initiative Concept, Context and Assessment by Siegfried O. Wolf, Springer, Switzerland, 2020, £88, ISBN 978-3-030-16198

The China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC), a flagship of China’s ambitious Belt and Road Initiative that was officially launched in April 2015, promised to be a game changer. The economic corridor that would link Kashgar in Xinjiang to Gwadar in....


THE SONG OF XI ( WITH MARTIAL MUSIC) Tibet now is under our yoke, We have made Dalai Lama broke, With monasteries in control And tight surveillance, it’s our goal, The reincarnation process Will be done under our duress. A....

Pakistan Study Group Report: April 2020

A meeting of the Pakistan Study Group was held via video conferencing on 29 April 2020. The main items on the agenda were the COVID-19 situation in Pakistan and China-Pakistan relations.

COVID-19 Situation in Pakistan
Impact on C....

Taiwan Deserves Support of Democratic Countries for its World Health Assembly Bid

Taiwan has attracted international media attention from time to time, particularly whenever there is news regarding supply of arms, like fighter air crafts by the U.S.A or there is sabre rattling in the Taiwan Straits by communist China. In recent pa....

COVID-19 Opens up Pressures and Opportunities for Quad

Before the Indian Government initiated a nationwide lockdown from March 25, 2020, the Foreign Secretary of India participated in a telephonic discussion with representatives of some countries of the Indo-Pacific. Issues related to countering the COVI....

COVID-19 Paves the Way for a Cashless Economy in China

Governments worldwide are at the time engaged in containing COVID-19 and have either initiated unprecedented lockdowns or following strict social distancing protocols for public safety and prevent community transmission. The World Health Organisation....

Developing Conflict between China and Malaysia in South China Sea

While the world is preoccupied in grappling with the deadly Covid-19 virus unleashed from Wuhan, China un-abashedly marches on with its ominous policy of creeping occupation of South China Sea (SCS). The recent target of China’s expansionist policy....

COVID-19 International Developments: Daily Scan, May 1, 2020

Flagship US medical academy backs EU efforts for global virus response
Victor Dzau, National Academy of Medicine president, appealed to Ursula von der Leyen, his European Commission counterpart, to boost global develop....

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