Submission Guidelines

Instructions for Contributors (On the Website)
Research Articles (Refereed)
- Submissions should be approximately 6,000-8,000 words (not including notes and referencing).
- The Manuscript submitted should be an original piece of work. The Manuscript once under consideration should not be submitted anywhere else for publications.
- The Article will be reviewed by the Editor, and upon his/her assessment it will be forwarded for peer review.
- Lengthy footnotes are strongly discouraged. Authors are requested to use Chicago Style referencing.
- An Abstract of not more than 200 words, as well as a list of keywords.
Essays (Non-Refereed)
- The Essays should be approximately 3,000-4,000 words (not including notes and references). Authors should refrain from exceeding the word limit mentioned.
- The Essays submitted should be an original work. The Essay once under consideration should not be submitted anywhere else for publishing.
- The Essay will be reviewed by the Editor. There will be no peer review for any Essay submitted.
- Lengthy footnotes are discouraged. Authors are requested to use Chicago Style Referencing.
Book Reviews
- Book Reviews should not exceed the word limit of more than 2,500 words. In case the word limit is exceeded, it will be considered in exceptional circumstances.
- The top of the first page of the book review submitted should contain the following details in the order mentioned below;
- Title of the Book
- Name of the author/ editor/ translator (In Capital letters)
- Publisher’s Name, city
- Price
- 13 digit ISBN number
- The year of publication
- Number of pages in the book
- The Book Review will be assessed by the Editor. Contributors are requested not to paraphrase or quote directly from the book they are reviewing.
- If the contributor is quoting from another book other than the one which is being reviewed, they are requested to mention the following;
- Title of the book
- Name of the author
- Year of the publication
- If the contributors are quoting from a journal or a magazine they are requested to mention the following
- Title of the journal/magazine/newspaper
- Title of the article
- Name of the author
- Volume and Issue Date