The VIF’s ‘Library & Resource Research Centre’ is located in the basement of the building. The Library has relatively a small but valuable collection of peer-reviewed books, journals and other reference materials in broad areas of defence and security affairs, international relations, India’s immediate and extended neighbourhood, economy, history and civilization etc. The Library also has an impressive collection of POTs (Public Opinion Trends) on India’s neighbours. Besides, a searchable database of e-resources, comprising of ebooks, annual reports of various ministries, task-force reports, white papers, monographs etc. remains a distinct feature of the VIF’s Library. The OPAC (Online Public Access catalogue) is accessible from every computer terminal in the building.
As part of an endeavor to keep the research faculty abreast of latest developments, trends etc. the Resource Research Centre sends out daily Information Alerts and News Digest to all its patrons.
The ‘Library & Resource Research Centre’ is fully wi-fi enabled. The use of VIF’s Library and its services, however, are restricted to members only.