To achieve the objectives the Vivekananda International Foundation:
Organises events, conferences, lectures, seminars and discussions and invites scholars and subject specialists for exchange of ideas. It organizes exhibitions, cultural events, training workshops for students and other targeted groups and yoga classes to involve citizens across age groups and professions in the task of national regeneration.
Interacts with the diplomatic community in New Delhi to project India’s viewpoint and to understand the views and perceptions of other nations to further India’s political, strategic, economic and civilisational interests.
Engages policy makers on issues of topical interest and share VIF’s views and concerns with them. The Foundation prepares policy briefs for limited circulation among people in government, parliamentarians, members of the judiciary, those heading and working in constitutionally mandated institutions and the civil society.
Develops institutionalized contacts with academic bodies, research institutions, select Indian and foreign think-tanks, universities and organizations representing the Indian diaspora for cross fertilization of ideas, exchange of scholars and sharing of information and experience.
VIF has a very rich and widely read website. The Foundation also publishes books, monographs, policy briefs and special reports on various topics from time to time.