Deepfakes: A Threat to National Security in the Digital Era

मिथ्याज्ञानं तमोगुणः संशयात्मा यदा जायते। तदा जगदिदं सर्वं भ्रान्तं व्यामोहमोहितम्॥ (Engli....

Monthly Compilation of Views of VIF Expert Groups: April 2024

During the month, the VIF Pakistan Study Group discussed critical issues shaping Pakistan's current landscape. Among the key topics deliberated were the post-election political dynamics, judiciary crisis, status of political figures Nawaz Sharif and ....

Neighborhood News Digest- 28 May 2024

Russia Considering Removing 'Taliban' From Terrorist List-Tolo News
The Russian Ministries of Justice and Foreign Affairs have presented President Vladimir Putin with a proposal to potentially remove the name 'Tali....

Nexus between Insurgency and Narco-Trafficking : A Case Study of Manipur

The northeast region of India has been inflicted with long-standing separatist insurgencies. Since the 1950s, this region has witnessed frequent ethnic conflicts as well as insurgent violence. In the recent past, the overall ....

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