Indian Army
Major Shift in India’s Counter-Terrorism Policy Over the Last 10 Years: A Layman Understanding

Although terrorism has yet to find a universally acceptable definition and continues to be contexed with insurgency and militancy, we in India go by a generic description. Terror is associated with acts of unbridled violence against established autho....

Cultural and Civilisational Digest: May-2024

Mathura culture, Mahabharata Period — ASI digs Govardhan Hill after 50 years- The Print
The Archaeological Survey of India is on a mission to untangle the historical threads of Braj region, the birthplace of Hindu deity Krishna. For the....

Maldives: Paying for the Wrong Choices

The Maldives has been gathering news headlines for all the wrong reasons. From the “India Out” in the election manifesto of the Progressive Political Party (PPM) to unwarranted diatribes of junior ministers to the ugly brawl in the parliament of ....

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