Neighborhood News Digest – 23 June 2023


“Afghanistan again becomes epicentre of terrorism,” says Vladimir Voronkov – The Print
Afghanistan again becomes the epicentre of terrorism, said Vladimir Voronkov. Voronkov was addressing a conference on W....

Neighborhood News Digest – 12 June 2023


Threat of terrorism rising in Afghanistan and region: United Nations report – The Telegraph Online
The link between the Taliban and Al-Qaeda and Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan remains “strong and symbiotic”, accor....

VIF News Digest: National Security - Defence Studies & Terrorism, 01-15 May 2023


Neighbourhood News Digest – 08 May 2023

China’s Belt and Road to enter Afghanistan in Taliban’s victory – Economic Times
The Taliban agreed with China and Pakistan to extend the Belt and Road Initiative to Afghanistan, potentially drawing in billio....

VIF News Digest: National Security - Defence Studies & Terrorism,16-30 April 2023

Dantewada Naxal Attack: A Calculated Cowardly Act of Red Terror

सिंहवत्सर्ववेगेन पतन्त्यर्थे किलार्थिनः॥ [Verse from the Yogavasishtam 3.78.6] (English translation: Those who intend to get work done cast themselves on the task with al....

Neighborhood News Digest – 26 April 2023

India invited to join regional group on Afghanistan: Lavrov
Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov has said that India has been invited to join the core group of four countries neighbouring Afghanistan that say they....

VIF News Digest: National Security - Defence Studies & Terrorism, 15-31 March 2023


Neighborhood News Digest – 16 March 2023

Afghanistan Situation Discussed in Doha at Global Security Forum – Tolo News
Afghanistan was discussed on the last day of the Global Security Forum in Doha, where the participants included activists and ex-officials....

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