An Assessment of China’s 13th National People’s Congress – May 2020’

India and EU: An Insider’s View by Bhaswati Mukherjee, New Delhi: ICWA and Vij Books, 2018, ISBN: 978-81-93759-10-3, pp. 336, Rs 995

Although India was among the first countries to develop ties with the European community in the 1960s, the country’s present level of engagement with the European Union (EU) is not commensurate with the existing potential. The four-year long hiatus....

Eastern LADAKH (EL) and Siachen: The Geo-Strategic Obstruct

Indeed, the Soltoro Ridge with the Shyok River to its West, the Siachen Glacier and the Nubra Valley and the Saser Muztagh with the Shyok River to its East, is a great geostrategic obstruct to any collusive designs of Pakistan and China. With the Sha....

COVID-19 in Tajikistan: From Denial to Full-scale Crisis

Despite being surrounded by the countries with positive cases of coronavirus, the Tajik Government had consistently denied the existence of the virus until April 30 when 15 cases were reported. This announcement was made when the World Health Organiz....

Ultra Virus | A Poem

The road to the exalted status of Xi-ri Xi-ri Xi-ri Xi-ri Xi-ri Xi
In lanes behind Hotel Raffles In Singapore it still baffles Me how our dear friend Hu Noh Lai Knew I would be passing by. He softly whispered in my ea....

Pakistan: Worsening Economic Condition

Pakistan was already going through an economic slowdown when the COVID outbreak took place. It had received the US $ 6 billion of assistance from the IMF under Extended Fund Facility last year. The money came with conditions. The IMF policy of inflat....


In Moscow close to the Bolshoi, I was approached by Hou Noh Lai, I sensed it was his clear intent To share with me a document That from China he’d filtered out, Which he stated was all about Xi Jinping’s plans of brinksmanship To f....

Geopolitical Dynamics of the Post COVID-19 World

Vivekananda International Foundation held an online discussion on ‘Geopolitical Dynamics of the Post Covid-19 World’ on 29 May 2020. The discussion was moderated by Dr. Arvind Gupta, Director VIF and the panellists included Lt. Gen. Ata Ha....

Truth vs. Reality: Unshackling the Burdens of Intrigue in Kashmir

Truthful journalism is the bulwark that makes democracies work by fulfilling the people’s right to information. This statement cannot be faulted, but there is a less comfortable truth that operates in tandem here, especially when it comes to media ....

Perceptions, Policies and Narrative about China over COVID-19 from the Indo-Pacific

As the initial shock from the COVID-19 pandemic recedes in the past few weeks, there has been a rising criticism of China from nearly all over the world. This piece would survey China’s policies and popular narratives from the Indo-Pacific that hav....

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