Known and Unknown Facts about North Korea: Is Kim Jong-un still alive?

One of the most isolated countries in contemporary world, North Korea is never short of news and hogs the limelight in international media outlets. Whether it is its withdrawal from the 1968 Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty ....


The situation seems to be: To responsibility Xi-rk, The Chinese will Xi-lly shally, As long as delay will work To get them out of a Xi-t hole, So they make a lot of Xi-ndig, Knowing their armour has a WHO-le, They think that by some ....

COVID-19 International Developments: Daily Scan, April 27, 2020

IMF, WTO Urge Caution on Export Restrictions
The International Monetary Fund and the World Trade Organization warned on April 24 that export restrictions on medical supplies and food "can be dangerously counterproduct....

Preparing for A Post-Corona World

The Novel Coronavirus has not only taken over the year 2020, it will have ramifications for decades to come. Changes to societal norms and developmental priorities, and de-globalisation forces gaining momentum are just some of the expected uncertaint....

Kazakhstan Protests Chinese Language Article questioning its Territorial Integrity

On April 14, 2020, the Foreign Ministry of Kazakhstan summoned Chinese ambassador Zhang Xiao to register a formal protest against the publication of an article on a major Chinese website, This website was the offici....

Fallout of COVID-19: Japanese and Koreans to shift base from China to India

The outbreak of the deadly coronavirus in the Chinese city of Wuhan has dramatically altered the social, political and economic lives of millions in as many as 205 countries. No one can even hazard a guess the kind of life th....

COVID-19 International Developments: Daily Scan, April 23, 2020

US DOD Starts Tiered COVID-19 Testing Process to Ensure Safety
Air Force Gen. John E. Hyten and Deputy Defence Secretary David L. Norquist described the four-tiered system and all other aspects of DOD's support to ci....


What you ingest can tell one how You tend to think, how you behave We may therefore examine now The things that Chinese stomachs crave And what this tells about their conduct In politics, investment, trade Offering you a vital produ....

Coronavirus: China’s New Diplomacy

As on 15April 2020, the total number of coronavirus cases are 1,986,936, with 125,953 deaths worldwide. The origin of the virus remains unknown. It is widely believed that virus jumped species and is traced to the “wet market” in Wuhan. It is bel....

COVID-19 aftermath: An agenda for QUAD

The COVID-19 pandemic has challenged the entire world. Once the world has overcome the pandemic, a lot of rethinking is likely to occur in global politics. Countries had always emphasised cooperation in their foreign policies. The present crisis has....

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