Evolution of India’s Maritime Diplomacy Over the Last Ten Years

On the occasion of commissioning of the Mauritian Naval Ship Barracuda, built by M/s Garden Reach Shipbuilders Kolkata, for the Mauritian National Coast Guard, Prime Minister Narendra Modi on 12 March 2015, made a commitment to the Indian Ocean litto....

Western Media’s Distorted Views on India

US President Joe Biden recently remarked that countries such as India and Japan were facing financial troubles because they were ‘xenophobic’—they discouraged immigrants. After the statement sparked a controversy, the US administration engaged ....

Key Developments and Changes in India’s Approach towards Africa (2014 - 2024)

Foreign policy, as an instrument to promote national interest, is a continuing and dynamic – not static – phenomenon, displaying a subtle blend of continuity and change. While the principal interests of a nation such as ....

Neighborhood News Digest- 15 February 2024

Meeting on Afghanistan Held in Bishkek, Islamic Emirate Not Present-Tolo News
The Meeting of EU and Central Asia Special Representatives on Afghanistan was held on Wednesday in Bishkek, the capital of Kyrgyzstan. T....

New Malaria Vaccine: Watershed Moment for India’s Vaccine Diplomacy with Africa

On 2nd October, when India celebrated both Gandhi and Lal Bahadur Shastri Jayanti, there was one more reason to celebrate this year. On 2nd October 2023, the World Health Organization (WHO) approved a new vaccine, R21/Matrix-M, to prevent malaria in ....

China: “Soft use” of “Hard power”

China’s geopolitical aims and global ambitions are not a secret. President Xi sees China the most pre-eminent power in Asia and eventually, the world, consolidating trans-continental routes and waterways, and assured political influence among large....

Neighbourhood News Digest - 30 May 2023

Iran vs Afghanistan: Why Helmand water-sharing dispute is boiling over, decades after treaty – The Print
With Afghanistan and Iran locked in a water dispute, tension between the two neighbours has escalated after....

Neighborhood News Digest – 26 April 2023

India invited to join regional group on Afghanistan: Lavrov
Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov has said that India has been invited to join the core group of four countries neighbouring Afghanistan that say they....

Neighborhood News Digest – 11 April 2023

2 killed, 4 injured in accident in Afghanistan's Paktia – Devdiscourse
Two people were killed, and four others were injured due to a accident in Afghanistan's eastern Paktia province on Monday, Afghanistan-based Kha....

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