Geopolitical mires of 2022 and the way forward for India

The challenge for India and other developing nations is to find an optimal adjustment to a segmented globalisation. 2022 revealed some interesting truths about today’s world order. As the dominant superpower confronts the challenge from a....

Ukraine: As history returns to haunt the world

In the early 1990s, Francis Fukuyama proclaimed that with the liberal democracy and the free market economy of the West finally emerging as a one-size-fits-all model for all nations, all conflicts that were the source of history had ended. That becam....

Has a Cold War Started between U.S. and China?

China-U.S. relations are deteriorating at a rapid pace and some scholars have wondered whether we are witnessing the beginnings of Cold War 2 between the two biggest economies? On 21st July 2020, the U.S. State Department ordered that Chinese C....

Global Impact of Covid-19 Crisis

Covid-19 is the first full-blown crisis of a hyper-connected world. It arose as the local outbreak in China at Wuhan city, and within a few weeks, it had spread all across the world. More than a million Corona positive cases have been noticed and mor....

Brexit And End of Globalisation

When Britain voted to leave the European Union ( called British Exit or Brexit) the Dutch Prime minister Mark Rutte said “England has collapsed politically, constitutionally and economically.” He wasn't wrong. The vote by Britain has also impacte....

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