China Preparing for Trouble in Tibet

Apparently apprehensive about the possibility of sudden untoward developments in Tibet, the Chinese authorities have accelerated measures to ensure stability and consolidate China’s occupation and claims over Aksai Chin, Ladakh etc. China is also a....

Looking Back at General Zorawar Singh and his Campaigns: An Assessment

Zorawar Singh was a prominent military commander and statesman in the army of Maharaja Gulab Singh of Jammu and Kashmir. He played a pivotal role in defining the modern political boundaries of the Union Territories of Ladakh and Jammu and Kashmir. Zo....

Global Developments and Analysis: Weekly Monitor(29 January - 04 February 2024)


With China’s economic plenum still unscheduled, observers worry politics remain in command
Beijing’s reluctance to go full throttle in boosting economic growth – combined with an absence of clear directives for ....

Global Developments and Analysis: Weekly Monitor (16-22 October 2023)


Belt and Road Forum shows China recalibrating after 10 years
The Belt and Road Forum concluded on Oct 18 has provided a glimpse of China's future global engagement, likely focusing on smaller projects in developing ec....

China’s Systemic Mistreatment of its Religious Minorities

The Middle Kingdom and Its War against Religion: A Historical Perspective
When speaking to military students at Nankai University in 2013, Chinese professor Ai Yuejin said the following: “Do you know what the foundation for our nati....

China: Daily Scan, December 26, 2022

Xi meets with HKSAR chief executive: Xinhuanet
December 23, 2022
President Xi Jinping on Friday met with Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) John Lee, who is on a duty visit to Beijing. Durin....

China: Daily Scan, December 23, 2022

China's newest commodity exchange launches industrial silicon futures: Xinhuanet
December 22, 2022
The Guangzhou Futures Exchange (GFEX), the youngest of China's five major futures bourses, launched industrial silicon futures on....

China: Daily Scan, November 25, 2022

China to fully deliver supportive policies to consolidate economic recovery: Xinhuanet
November 24, 2022
China will take solid steps to ensure full and effective implementation of the policy package for stabilizing the economy a....

China: Daily Scan, November 7, 2022

(CIIE) Full Text: Remarks by Chinese President Xi Jinping at the opening ceremony of the fifth China International Import Expo: Xinhuanet
November 4, 2022
The following is the full text of the remarks made by Chinese President X....

The China-Xinjiang-Central Asia Triangle: A Relationship beyond Economics and Religion

Over 50 countries in a joint statement condemned China’s alleged human rights violations in Xinjiang on 31st October, 2022. Yet again, none of the Muslim-majority countries from Central Asia which share both religious and ethnic ties with Xinjiang ....

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