Europe News Digest (16-31 January, 2025)

Economic Corridor Vision from India, Middle East, Europe can now Become Reality: Biden on Gaza Ceasefire
US President Joe Biden on January 16 said that his vision of an economic corridor connecting India, the Middle East, and Europe--a vi....

IMEC, a Possibility Put on Hold

India’s G20 presidency culminated in an ambitious transcontinental dream when New Delhi hosted the country’s first G20 summit in 2023. True to its theme, Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam or “One Earth One Family One Future�....

Reimagining India’s Economic Engagement with the West Asian Region

India's economic engagement with the West Asian region, of which many countries are in its extended neighbourhood, is more of an impulse driven by age-old civilisational exchanges. So, one must return to the basics of our relationships, geographical ....

Key Changes in India’s Approach Towards West Asia over the Last ten Years: From Link West to Act West

When Prime Minister Narendra Modi took over the reins of India in 2014, there were some concerns within the Arab and the Muslim world that India’s foreign policy will tilt towards Israel at the expense of the Palestinian cause and historic relation....

Global Developments and Analysis: Weekly Monitor (19-25 February 2024)


Beijing warns China’s US$63 trillion financial sector: serve the real economy and enrich lives
China’s financial sector needs to focus on supporting the real economy and must refrain from “fake financial innovat....

The Red Sea Crisis Revives the Importance of IMEC

Despite the initial perception that a prolonged conflict in the Middle East could stall the implementation of the ambitious India-Middle East-Europe Economic Corridor (IMEC), the recent developments seem to prove quite the opposite. Paradoxically, th....

Global Developments and Analysis: Weekly Monitor (16-22 October 2023)


Belt and Road Forum shows China recalibrating after 10 years
The Belt and Road Forum concluded on Oct 18 has provided a glimpse of China's future global engagement, likely focusing on smaller projects in developing ec....

The IMEC Way

On the sidelines of G20 leaders of India, USA, Saudi Arabia, UAE, France, Italy, Germany and EU announced a new maritime and overland connectivity corridor between Asia and Europe i.e. India, Middle East Europe Economic Corridor (IMEC). Recently, som....

The India Middle-East Europe Economic Corridor (IMEC): Reviving Prosperity; the Mauryan, Chola Connect

The India Middle-East Europe Economic Corridor (IMEC) which was announced at the G20 Leaders Event on the Partnership for Global Infrastructure and Investment on 9th September will have a profound global effect on the 21st ce....

President Biden’s Visit to India, G-20 Summit, and Changing Contours of World Politics

Delhi Declaration adopted by G-20 countries has been welcomed by all sides. No less important were a number of bilateral engagements that took place between India and some of the participating countries. They reflect the changing contours of world po....

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