Middle East
Neighborhood News Digest- 09 May 2024

Uzbek foreign minister emphasizes acceleration of ‘Trans-Afghanistan’ project-The Khaama Press
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Pakistan has announced that the Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister of th....

Neighborhood News Digest- 15 April 2024

Efforts to Start Afghanistan Contact Group Halted by Regional Discord-Tolo News
The Express Tribune reported that the process of establishing a regional contact group for Afghanistan has come to a standstill due to....

Pathways to World War III

Understanding ‘World War’
A world war is an international conflict that involves most or all of the world's major powers. The Oxford English Dictionary cited the first known usage in the English language to a Scottish newspaper, Th....

The IMEC Way

On the sidelines of G20 leaders of India, USA, Saudi Arabia, UAE, France, Italy, Germany and EU announced a new maritime and overland connectivity corridor between Asia and Europe i.e. India, Middle East Europe Economic Corridor (IMEC). Recently, som....

Global Developments and Analysis: Weekly Monitor (29 May- 04 June)


China’s economic recovery faces challenging summer as hydropower producer sizzles amid drought
As sizzling summer heat leads to a surge in power demand, months of persistent drought conditions across a major hydropo....

Talk on “Connectivity Strategies in the Indo- Pacific Region” by Prof. Gulshan Sachdeva

The Vivekananda International Foundation (VIF) organised a talk by Prof. Gulshan Sachdeva on

“Connectivity Strategies in the Indo- Pacific Region”
on February 13, 2023. Dr. Arvind Gupta, Director, VIF, chaired the session and made welcom....

West Asia Experts Group Meeting

The West Asia Experts Group Meeting was held on 8 July 2022 by the Vivekananda International Foundation, the discussion was focused on "The Geopolitical Impact of the War in Ukraine on the Middle East". The key speaker for the session was Giorgio Fra....

Evolving security dynamic in West Asia and India’s challenges

As the controversy over the disrespect to Islam and the Holy Prophet by some errant individuals of the Indian ruling party raged across West Asia , I was happy to see the book edited by veteran diplomat and West Asia expert Ambassador Anil Trigunaya....

China is Edging over the US: Upcoming Ramifications

The US politically turning against China has been a defining interruption in China’s great power rise. It has led to a concerted effort to challenge China for its every misdemeanor, by leveraging on group dynamics. The friendly international ambian....

Monthly Compilation of Views of VIF Expert Groups: April 2021

In April six experts group discussions were organised by the Vivekananda International Foundation through webinar on events and topics affecting India’s interests worldwide. The diversity of the expertise of each of the members of the expert groups....

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