Third C+C5 Meeting: Reinforcing Chinese Influence in Central Asia

The third meeting of the Foreign Ministers (FMs) of China and five Central Asian countries within the framework of China+ C5 took place in Nur Sultan on June 8, 2022. Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi along w....

Interaction with H.E. Mr. Denis Evgenyevich Alipov, Ambassador of the Russian Federation to India

Vivekananda International Foundation (VIF) hosted an Interaction with H.E. Mr. Denis Evgenyevich Alipov, Ambassador of the Russian Federation to India on June 9, 2022 following a hybrid format. The participants who were physically present for the dis....

China: Daily Scan, June 01, 2022

China's Tianjin appoints acting mayor: Xinhuanet
May 31, 2022
Zhang Gong was appointed deputy mayor and acting mayor of north China's Tianjin Municipality on Tuesday. The appointment was made at the 34th session of the Standin....

Quad Summit in Tokyo & India-US relations

The Quad summit in the month of May was held in the background of the ongoing war in the Ukraine. The Quad launched important new initiatives. In this episode, Prof C. Raja Mohan, Senior fellow, Asia Society Policy Institute discusses the recent Q....

China is Edging over the US: Upcoming Ramifications

The US politically turning against China has been a defining interruption in China’s great power rise. It has led to a concerted effort to challenge China for its every misdemeanor, by leveraging on group dynamics. The friendly international ambian....

Joint Report : Impact of Ukraine War on Various Regions/ International Concerns

The VIF Young Scholars Forum discussed ‘Impact of Ukraine War on Various Regions/ International Concerns’ in their weekly meeting on 08 April 2022. Scholars raised ramifications and responses to the Ukraine War as pertaining to their assigned fie....

The Ukraine Crisis: India’s Approach

India abstained on the last UNGA resolution which suspended Russia from the Human Rights Council. Explaining India’s vote, the Indian ambassador strongly condemned civilian killings in Bucha while reiterating India’s unwavering commitment to Huma....

Impact of Western Sanctions on Russia: Unintended Ramifications

The fog of war isn’t just affecting the military aspects of the Ukraine war but going beyond to fundamentally alter an international system that was already turbulent. In this context, the gamut of western economic sanctions on Russia are going bey....

Russo-Ukraine War 2022: Sifting the Maze of Russian Political Policy and Military Strategy

The best teacher of war is war itself! With a month behind us of the Russo-Ukraine war, it is imperative to rationalise and focus on the war itself, without referral to logic behind the war, the global geopolitics and weaponisation of economics and g....

Sanctions against Russia and its impact on Indian Economy

On 24 February 2022, Russian President Vladimir Putin announced ‘special military action’ against its eastern neighbour Ukraine. The USA and the European Union vehemently criticised the move as unjustified, unprovoked act to invade Ukraine and im....

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