Global Developments and Analysis: Weekly Monitor, 10 May - 16 May 2021

Citing labour shortage, US states end pandemic jobless benefits, funds
A handful of US states have announced they will end extra unemployment benefits provided by the federal government, which they blame for creating a sh....

Escalation between Iran and Israel

Join Amb. Anil Trigunayat and Hirak Jyoti Das unfold the ongoing escalation between Iran and Israel; the US role and the future of the JCPOA.....

Domestic and International Implications of China’s Digital Yuan

The concept of Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) seems to have gained traction over the past few years and is well past the stage of conception. With around 86% of the world's central banks engaged in CBDC related wo....

Joint VIF-Heritage Interaction on “Future Trajectory of Indo-US Relations”

The Vivekananda International Foundation and The Heritage Foundation, USA jointly organized a web-based interaction session to deliberate upon the future trajectory of Indo-US relationship in the post-COVID era. The discussion centered around three ....

Monthly Compilation of Views of VIF Expert Groups: March 2021

In March six experts group discussions and one joint discussion with the Prospect Foundation were organised by the Vivekananda International Foundation through webinar on events and topics affecting India’s interests from the neighbourhood, West As....

Double-Time Transition in South Asian Geopolitics!

The bygone year has been globally geopolitically transformative, with indications of catalysing into a new era. Many of the events are being propelled by the catastrophic pandemic with its birth epicentre at Wuhan, China. The Corona Virus is geopolit....

Syrian Unrest: A Decade of Misery for Syrians

18th March 2021 marks the 10th anniversary of the commencement of unrest in Syria. The arrest and ill treatment of 15 schoolboys in Darra, a town on the border with Jordan led to about 3000 people holding a demonstration after Friday prayers, demandi....

Japan-South Korea Entente Vital for Peaceful Indo-Pacific

The Indo-Pacific region has gradually assumed a centrality in the global strategic balance for peace and security. The stability and tranquility of the four decades after the conclusion of the Vietnam War is being challenged by an aggressive China. ....

The Indo-Pacific: A Pause in the Game

The State of Play
As a Covid-wounded global community steps gingerly into 2021, a year ‘trumpeting’ a change of guard in the US, the centenary of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), and an ongoing military stand-off between India and Chi....

Analysing Biden’s Interim National Security Strategic Guidance

The US has come out with an Interim National Security Strategic Guidance on 03 March 2021 that will not only form the basis for Biden administration’s National Security Strategy but also would find its reflection in the forthcoming US Budget and es....

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