China is Edging over the US: Upcoming Ramifications

The US politically turning against China has been a defining interruption in China’s great power rise. It has led to a concerted effort to challenge China for its every misdemeanor, by leveraging on group dynamics. The friendly international ambian....

Sudan-South Sudan Rapprochement and Its Implications for the Region and Beyond

After a decade-long impasse, the borders between Sudan and South Sudan reopened on 1st October, 2021. With this first step of rapprochement, two countries can now slowly advance towards stabilizing the ties between them. On 12th September Sudanese Pr....

Biden as a Liberal Crusader: Assessing the Obama-Biden Human Rights Legacy

… the hope is that Biden would have learnt from the Obama era mistakes and hence follow a non-interventionist policy to avoid another ‘humanitarian’ war … at the end of his Presidential term, Biden may emerge a ‘liberal crusader’ or be an....

Outlining a Geoeconomic Strategy for India

Since time immemorial, states have used economic tools to practise power politics. Thus, questions arise on the recent discourse of the emergence of a new geoeconomic era in international relations. The rise of China which markedly defines today’s ....

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