Review of Japan 2019 and Outlook for 2020

2019 was an eventful year for Japan in both national and international domains. From an imperial transition to being the G20 Chair, to major trade agreements and the deadly Typhoon Hagibis, the year was filled with its share of ups and downs for Japa....

Year Review: Pakistan in 2019

The year 2019 brought optimism as well as trials for Pakistan in equal measure. In 2019, Pakistan under Prime Minister Imran Khan was occupied in confronting numerable challenges at the domestic as well as international levels. At the domestic front,....

West Asia Roundup - December 2019

Year 2019, in keeping with the ongoing trend of conflicts and hotspots in the region, ended in heightening tensions between US and Iran which does not portend well for 2020. Iraq has been facing series of demonstrations and co....

Complicated 2019 for the International Oil Market and Trade

The effects of the United States of America’s (U.S) pulling out of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPoA) in early 2018 had an impact on the global oil trade, which continued in 2019. The renewed unilateral sanction....

Developments in the Indo-Pacific in 2019

The Indo-Pacific as a geo-political idea has been in the currency since the last couple of years. In the year 2019 the idea seems to have gained more acceptance. In some measures, the stakeholders are working towards giving shape to this idea. Some ....

The Belt and Road Initiative: Is it Viable?

Recently, the US diplomat Alice Wells speaking at the Wilson Center at Washington D.C., criticised the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) and questioned the economic feasibility of China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC).1 She reiterated that ....

The ‘Trumpeachment’ Clouds

The clouds are thickening, and we do not know whether there will be thunder and lightning that can cause peril to the occupant of the White House. But, we do know that it will get worse before it gets better, if it ever does, and we see a cloudless b....

Think Tank Dialogue on the Quadrilateral Grouping: The ‘Quad-Plus Dialogue’- 2019, Sydney, Australia, February 19-21, 2019 (Report)

(A Track 1.5 dialogue hosted by think tanks from Australia, India, Japan, and the U.S., and Quad-Plus Partner France) Participants: Australian Strategic Policy Institute (ASPI), Japan Institute for International Affairs (JIIA), The Heritage Founda....

Revival of Peace Initiatives in Afghanistan: Implications for India

Seventeen years have passed since the American forces entered Afghanistan in October 2001 and ousted the Taliban. The massive crackdown forced the Al-Qaeda and the Taliban leaders to melt into Pakistan, where they replenished....

US-China Trade War: Analyses of Deeper Nuances and Wider Implications

… China is unsatisfied with the degree of accommodation offered by the US and the US is uncomfortable with the strategic demands made by China … US wants China to reduce its trade deficit … an unrealistic request given the time it would take to....

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