Cyber Review - May 2023


AI Supercomputer ‘AIRAWAT’ puts Bharat among the top supercomputing leagues
Ranked 75th in the world, ‘AIRAWAT’— the Artificial Intelligence (AI) Supercomputer installed at C-DAC, Pune, was declared so in th....

Panjwar’s Killing in Pakistan and Future of the KCF

दुर्जनस्य च सर्पस्य वरं सर्पो न दुर्जनः। सर्पो दंशति काले तु दुर्जनस्तु पदे पदे॥

VIF News Digest: National Security - Defence Studies & Terrorism, 01-15 May 2023


Cyber Review - April 2023


Quad nations will cooperate on information exchange to strengthen cyber defence.
The Quad nations— Bharat, Japan, Australia, and the United States (US) begun working on strengthening their coordination on the infor....

Dantewada Naxal Attack: A Calculated Cowardly Act of Red Terror

सिंहवत्सर्ववेगेन पतन्त्यर्थे किलार्थिनः॥ [Verse from the Yogavasishtam 3.78.6] (English translation: Those who intend to get work done cast themselves on the task with al....

VIF Cyber Review: March 2023

UIDAI and SETS collaborate to conduct R&D in deep technologies
The Society for Electronic Transactions and Security (SETS), part of the Office of the Principal Scientific Adviser to the Government of India, and the Unique....

Missing Dot Pattern, Spotlight and Capacity Building Opportunity for Bharat

On 22nd March 2016, something interesting happened in the tech world. Almost all web platforms started crashing within a few minutes, from small enterprise apps to giants like Facebook, Netflix, Spotify, Airbnb, etc. At one point, it seemed that the ....

VIF News Digest: National Security - Defence Studies & Terrorism, 15-31 March 2023


VIF Cyber Review: January 2023


Government of India established three Grievances Appellate Committees based on IT Rules 2021.
On 28 January 2023, the Central Government set up three Grievances Appellate Committees (GACs) on the basis of Information Tec....

VIF News Digest: National Security - Defence Studies & Terrorism, 16-31 January 2023


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