A MEGA response to MAGA

Macron wants to Make Europe Great Again, borrowing from Trumpian MAGA ideas and protectionist Bidenomics. The Euro polls may influence this process. In about a week, elections will determine the complexion of a new European parliament. They would ....

Neighborhood News Digest- 28 February 2024

Canada Rejects Kabul’s Request to Control Afghan Embassy in Ottawa- Tolo News
The foreign ministry of Canada has rejected the Islamic Emirate’s request to control Afghanistan’s embassy in Ottawa and other con....

Great Game in Reverse: Decoding Central Asia’s Geopolitical Rebalancing

Central Asia’s geostrategic location is critical, making this region a focal point of geopolitical struggle for centuries. In 1904, British geographer Halford Mackinder presented his ‘Heartland Theory,’ in which the Eurasia region is referred t....

Human Rights and America’s Immigration Politics - Part 1

The concern of Human Rights during PM Modi’s US visit
The Indian Prime Minister, Sri Narendra Modi’s visit to the US was much discussed for its significance of being his maiden three-day state visit, with at least three meetings with....

Election in Türkiye: Test for Recep Tayyip Erdogan

Türkiye’s presidential and parliamentary election was held on 14 May 2023 in the backdrop of deep economic crisis and fallout of the devastating earthquake in February 2023. The outcome of the election could shape Türkiye’s role in the North At....

From I2U2 to IUSU-India is the Key

In the wake of unprecedented developments in West Asia especially the demarche and rapprochement by major Gulf powers in recent times, the meeting of National Security Advisers of USA (Jake Sullivan), India (Ajit Doval), and UAE (Sheikh Tahnoun) in R....

VIF News Digest: National Security - Defence Studies & Terrorism, 01-15 February 2023


Neighborhood News Digest – 01 February 2023

Afghanistan Exported $1.7 Billion Worth of Goods Over Past 10 Months – Tolo News
The office of the Deputy Prime Minister of the Economy said that over the past 10 months, the nation's exports have topped $1.7 billion....

VIF Neighbourhood News Digest - January 05, 2023

Islamic Emirate Rejects US Official’s Remarks on Its Commitments: Tolo News
The Islamic Emirate rejected the remarks by US State Department spokesman Ned Price and said that the Islamic Emirate is committed to all i....

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