In this VIF podcast, PK Khup Hangzo, Associate Fellow and Heena Samant , Research Assistant at VIF discuss COP 27 and its outcomes. The episode is conversational and flags both the positive as well as negative outcomes of COP 27 which took place from....
The increased frequency and severity of droughts across the globe is becoming a matter of huge concern. In 2018, the global media was flooded with the news of the capital city of Cape Town of South Africa running out of water as the city experienced ....
The year 2020 can be described as an extraordinary year. COVID-19 wreaked havoc in all policy arenas, severely affecting public, economic, international relations. The Government of India meanwhile, has taken significant steps to promote the ‘Atman....
With the age-old Ram Mandir issue resolved Indian civilization took a step ahead in 2020 even when global and Indian economy took several steps back due to pandemic. A great historic wrong has been corrected which was imposed on our ancestors and the....
When the RBI meeting of Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) in August commences, it would probably be the strangest voting decision. On one hand, RBI may be acutely sensitive to the diminished consumer confidence and risk aversion the pandemic and subseq....
Initially in March 2020, Myanmar’s leader Aung San Suu Kyi stated that the country stands out as a global exception with zero cases of COVID-19. The government Spokesperson- Zaw Htay said that the lifestyle and diet of Myanmar citizens are benefici....
Since the lockdown started in India, all along the clock, there has been constant chatter on coronavirus, be it on TV, internet or conversations at home. There is a high degree of pessimism and confusion on how the pandemic would resolve itself and t....