Neighborhood News Digest- 19 June 2024

Kabul Urges UNAMA to Portray Reality at UNSC Meeting-Tolo News
Zabihullah Mujahid, the spokesperson for the Islamic Emirate, called on the United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) to reflect the rea....

The Paddy Gene Bank of Sathyanarayana Beleri

Shri. Sathyanarayana Beleri, a paddy gene bank conservator and farmer from the Belur village of Kasargod, Kerala was recently conferred with the prestigious Padma Shri award by the Government of India for his contributions in the field of agriculture....

The 13th WTO Ministerial Conference: Addressing Fragmentation and Unilateral Industrial Policy

As the 13th WTO Ministerial Conference (MC) is scheduled to take place during February 26-29, 2024 at Abu Dhabi amidst a highly fractured world, trade ministers of member countries are worried and concerned about the prospects of world trade. Growth ....

Bihana Didi: The Third Indian Scientist to Receive Norman Borlaug Award

As the industrial and service sectors have overgrown, agriculture’s share of the Indian economy has steadily decreased to less than 15%. However, the importance of agriculture in India’s economic and social fabric goes much beyond the boundaries ....

Neighbourhood News Digest - 31 May 2023

India strengthens soft power in Afghanistan, sidelining Pakistan: Report - ANI
India is strengthening its soft power in Afghanistan by providing critical aid through Iran, thereby side-lining a once essential Pakis....

VIF Delegation Visit to Uzbekistan

Uzbekistan held a nationwide referendum on constitutional reforms on April 30, 2023. A delegation from Vivekananda international Foundation (VIF) which included Dr Arvind Gupta, Director, VIF and Dr Pravesh Kumar Gupta, Associate Fellow (Central Asia....

Neighborhood News Digest – 17 April 2023

China eyes Afghanistan's lithium reserves, offers to invest USD 10 billion – The Economic Times
Taliban are simply not able to ensure security in places such as Kabul. The fact that ISKP has been increasingly able t....

Neighborhood News Digest – 06 January 2023

Contract for Extraction of Amu Darya Oil Signed with CPEIC: Tolo News
The contract for the extraction of oil from the Amu Darya basin was signed with a Chinese company, the CPEIC, on Thursday. The contract was sig....

COP 27 and its Outcomes

In this VIF podcast, PK Khup Hangzo, Associate Fellow and Heena Samant , Research Assistant at VIF discuss COP 27 and its outcomes. The episode is conversational and flags both the positive as well as negative outcomes of COP 27 which took place from....

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