rural development
Neighborhood News Digest - 06 November 2024

Mujahid: Fulfilling Doha III Commitments Needs Ongoing Meetings-Tolo News
Zabihullah Mujahid, spokesperson for the Islamic Emirate, stated that fulfilling the commitments made at the third Doha meeting will require....

Bihana Didi: The Third Indian Scientist to Receive Norman Borlaug Award

As the industrial and service sectors have overgrown, agriculture’s share of the Indian economy has steadily decreased to less than 15%. However, the importance of agriculture in India’s economic and social fabric goes much beyond the boundaries ....

Swamitva Yojana: Another Crucial Instrument of Rural Empowerment in India

The Government of India launched the Swamitva Yojana, also known as the "Survey of Villages and Mapping with Improvised Technology in Village Areas" scheme. With the intention of giving rural property owners legal papers and facilitating the developm....

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