‘Beati Sunt Possidentes’ (Blessed are Those in Possession): A Leitmotif for Chinese (& Pakistani) Statecraft

Tucked away in Chapter 1 of Book 6, boringly titled ‘Defense’ in Clausewitz’s ‘On War’, is yet another nugget of his strategic wisdom: ‘In daily life, and especially in litigation (which so closely resembles war) it is summed....

Pakistan: Evolving Dynamics

Notion of Pakistan Faiz Ahmad Faiz, expressed his disillusionment with the partition in his famous verse:

Ye daghdaghujala, ye shab-gazidasahar Vointizarthajis-ka, ye vosahar to nahin, Ye vosahar to nahinjiskiarzulekar Cha....

Pakistan Needs Tough Handling

No Indian government so far has found an answer to our unique Pakistan problem. Pakistan was a product of deep divisions - of land, people and religion - accompanied by bloodshed, ethnic cleansing and refugee flows. India’s secular, multi-religious....

Pakistan’s Focus on Babur and Raad Cruise Missiles

Introduction Cruise missiles, unlike ballistic missiles, fly an essentially horizontal cruise path for most of the duration of its flight and can manoeuvre like an aircraft through way points. They are difficult to locate and provide a dist....

Jammu & Kashmir - Deciding on Inviolability of Article 370

When the Jammu & Kashmir High Court, nearly a year ago, held that the State enjoyed “sovereignty” because such status had been “guaranteed under Article 370” of the Constitution of India, Pakistan-based Dawn newsp....

Pakistan’s War against India is not a Proxy War; it is War through Asymmetric Means

The Pakistan Army and the Inter Services Intelligence (ISI) — known as the ‘deep state’ — have been waging a war against India through asymmetric means as part of their strategy of ‘bleeding India through a thousand cut....

What makes Pakistan’s New Army Chief Special?

The appointment of Lt. Gen Qamar Javed Bajwa as Chief of Pakistan army has set to rest the speculation on who would succeed Gen Raheel Sharif, but will intensify the debate about the future trajectory of tenuous Civil-Military relationship.


Hatred and Subterfuge : Pakistan's Proxy War on India

Through my years as a senior commander in the Indian Army there was an annual feature which never escaped my attention. The yearly war game of my formation would invariably begin with a presentation by a new team each time on the psych....

Tactical Nuclear Weapons (TNW) in Current Indo-Pak Environment

Introduction Nuclear weapons have been primarily categorised into Strategic and Non- strategic weapons. Strategic weapons have a longer range and higher yield. Non- strategic nuclear weapons conversely have a smaller range and lower yield. ....

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