Rethinking National Security in an Age of Pandemics

National security has traditionally been defined and understood in military terms. This notion of national security focuses on threats such as external armed aggression, Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD), terrorism, insurgenc....

Pakistan and the FATF: The Sword Still Dangles

Pakistan is in deep trouble. It was and continues to be under the penetrating gaze of the global money laundering and terrorist financing watchdog- the Financial Action Task Force (FATF). To prevent organized crime, terrorism and corruption, FATF has....

Continuing Security Partnership between USA and Pakistan: India has to live with it

Dr. Mark T. Espar, US Defence Secretary has in a telephonic conversation with Pakistani Army chief, Qamar Javed Bajwa on 19th March, 2020 reaffirmed his country`s long-term mutually beneficial security partnership with government of Pakistan inter-al....

Namaste SAARC

In the wake of Corona Pandemic, Prime Minister Narendra Modi took the lead to sensitize the world about the need to use digital technology to strategize for cooperating and controlling this viral existential threat. As such the leaders need to stay h....

Pakistan: Lal Masjid 2.0 ?

Lal Masjid in Islamabad and Maulana Abdul Aziz, also known as ‘Mullah Burqa’, are back in the news. Like in 2007, the authorities are again negotiating with him on a set of demands that no self-respecting government could concede. Almost ....

Terrorism and Counter Terrorism: Review of Year 2019 and Projections for 2020

The year 2019 had significant developments in global terrorism. The review covers the important activities of terrorism and counter-terrorism (CT) around the globe. There have been ongoing conflicts in Iraq, Syria and Yemen which includes terrorist a....

Year Review: Pakistan in 2019

The year 2019 brought optimism as well as trials for Pakistan in equal measure. In 2019, Pakistan under Prime Minister Imran Khan was occupied in confronting numerable challenges at the domestic as well as international levels. At the domestic front,....

All Quiet in Kashmir?

Kashmir is relatively calm since the last couple of months. No street protests, no encounters between the militants and the security forces. Last encounter was reported on November 26 between the militants and the forces in Pulwama district of South ....

Notes from the Sub-continent (Nov 1-15)

In this fortnight’s compilation of some of the big ideas being debated in the media across the Indian sub-continent, we start with the coverage of the Ayodhya verdict in Bangladesh and Pakistan--where the issue generated significant interest, as ex....

Radicalization in India: An Exploration

Kashmir has been in turmoil since the past three decades or so. The state of dissatisfaction in that part of a free, democratic, secular Indian nation is a rather perplexing development, the question being that how can any well groomed group of citiz....

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