Multilateralism and India during 2014-2024

Between 2014 and 2024, India has navigated the multilateral world to ensure a supportive external environment of peace, security, and stability to accelerate the transformation underway in India. The fact that India is both a founder-member of multil....

Continuing Tragedy in Gaza

President Biden’s statement last week that there would be a Hamas-Israel deal by Monday, 4th March had raised hopes for a breakthrough in the talks being hosted in Cairo for hostage release and a pause in fighting. Israel had not sent its delegatio....

International Court of Justice and Adjudication on Israel`s Military Operations in Gaza and Human Rights Violation

Based on the United Nations General Assembly’s (UNGA) request for an advisory opinion on `Legal Consequences arising from Israel’s Policies and Practices in Occupied Palestinian Territory’, the principal judicial organ of the UN - International....

Afghanistan and Central Asia: The Canal Conundrum

In 2021, the Taliban took control of Afghanistan in an attempted military takeover that overthrew the country’s officially recognised government. The Taliban encountered little resistance in retaking control of Kabul in less unusual circumstances.....

Neighborhood News Digest – 21 September 2023


Over 100 Afghan Security Outposts Built Along Durand Line – Tolo News
The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan has established more than 100 security outposts alongside the Durand Line in the eastern parts of the count....

Neighborhood News Digest – 18 September 2023


U.S. woman among 18 NGO staff detained in Afghanistan – The Hindu
Afghanistan's Taliban authorities have arrested at least 18 staff of an international NGO, including an American woman, accusing them of carryin....

Neighborhood News Digest – 22 June 2023

Forcefully Displacing, Relocating Ethnic Groups Should be Stopped in Afghanistan: CSTO – The Khaama Press
The foreign ministers of the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO) demanded that the forced disp....

Neighborhood News Digest – 31 March 2023

UN Says Attacks On Afghans 'unacceptable' After Deadly Explosion Rocks Kabul – Republic World
The United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan denounced the deadly explosion that rocked the capital city of Kabul....

China: Daily Scan, November 9, 2022

Intelligent marine equipment shines in Airshow China, helps safeguard China's maritime security: Global Times
November 7, 2022
Various types of marine equipment, especially intelligent unmanned high-speed vessels, which are play....

The India Way @ the UNGA

It appeared from media reports and commentaries as if India was the flavour at the 77th UNGA where India was ably represented by her Foreign Minister (EAM) Dr S Jaishankar. This is not a eulogy for the EAM but he is known to call a spade a spade whic....

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