Iran’s Role in India's Strategy in the South Caucasus

The changing world order is marked by the growth of new power centers and redistribution of spheres of influence. India is becoming one of the key poles, and the South Caucasus one of the regions of competition. Restoration of the regional balance of....

Neighborhood News Digest- 30 May 2024

Foreign Ministry Welcomes Moscow's Stance on the Interim Government-Tolo News
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Islamic Emirate today (Wednesday) in a statement praised Russia's stance on engaging with the int....

Neighborhood News Digest- 22 March 2024

Explosion in first district of Kandahar city leaves 21 dead, 50 injured-The Khama Press
According to sources from Mirwais Hospital in Kandahar, Afghanistan, it was claimed that in the explosion on Thursday in the f....

Eurasia: Reflections on 2023 and Outlook for 2024

In recent years, the world has experienced significant geopolitical turmoil. While the major powers have been embroiled in serious conflicts, small countries with close ties to these powers have been equally affected. And eve....

Eurasia News Digest (1-15 October 2023)

Russia & Central Asia

Germany and Central Asian states voice support for closer cooperation via 'Middle Corridor'
Germany's Chancellor Olaf Scholz welcomed leaders from the five Central Asian states for their first-ever summit....

Eurasia News Digest, September 1-15, 2023

Russia and Central Asia

Presidents of Kyrgyzstan and Russia give start to construction of three schools
Today we give a start to the construction of three out of nine schools in Bishkek, Batken and Karakol, » the President of....

India and the South Caucasus

It is desirable to draw a pen -picture of South Caucasus before discussing India’s policy towards the region and its relations with the individual countries in the region. The collapse of the USSR in 1991 resulted in the emergence of 15 independ....

Turkey’s Role as a Regional Actor in Central Asia: An Assessment

Central Asia’s geostrategic location at the crossroads of East and West has shaped substantial geopolitical rivalries in the region. Even though the region is within Russia’s sphere of influence, China has made significant advances in Central Asi....

Central Asia: A Look Back At 2021 and Outlook For 2022

The year 2021 has been challenging for Central Asia. The year marked the three decades of independence for the Central Asian countries since the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991. The socio-economic and health impacts of the....

The Strategic Significance of Turkic Council for Eurasia

Recently Turkic Council held its Eighth Summit in Istanbul, Turkey. Some significant developments have taken place during this Summit. The name of the Turkic Council was changed to the Organization of Turkic States. Secondly, T....

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