Commentaries & Articles
West Asia Roundup– February 2020

Abstract: US-Taliban After a weeklong trial halt in violence by Taliban against US or Afghan targets the Peace Agreement was signed between US and Taliban in Doha that seeks to end the 19 years old war and presence of US for....

Turkey using refugees as a leverage

Turkey has aided all shades of Syrian rebels (except the Kurds) with arms and other kinds of support in the Syrian civil war since it began in 2011. The Turkish army has also launched incursions across the border and now controls swathes of territory....

Coronavirus: Role of the Chinese Government

The World Health Organisation (WHO) Director-General has praised China for its handling of the crisis and for “protecting the rest of the world”. The outbreak of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) is the biggest diplomatic challenge for China in recent t....

Analysing Trump’s India Visit

The deep camaraderie seen between the two leaders during US President Trump’s visit to India is a testimony to the tenacity of India-US relations that continues to deepen despite challenges. Though the visit was high on pomp, pageantry and symbolis....

Constitutional Changes in Russia

In his annual Presidential address to the Federal Assembly last month1, Russian President Vladimir Putin announced a series of amendments “to improve social policy and public administration” in the country. His speech addressed constit....

COVID-19 Disrupts Maritime Supply Chains

The COVID-19 virus has impacted global maritime transportation sector including cruise liner industry. A number of major manufacturing hubs and markets across China have stopped businesses and manufacturing by small and medium enterprises has been pu....

राष्ट्रपति ट्रम्प की भारत यात्रा : सामरिक संदर्भ पर ध्यान देने की आवश्यकता

राष्ट्रपति ट्रम्प 24-25 फरवरी, 2020 को भारत की राजकीय यात्रा पर आ रहे हैं। भारत सरकार नि:संदेह भ्रमणका....

India-US relationship –Strategic as it is!

“Namaste Trump ji” is going to be the reverberation through media and speeches in the two days as President Donald Trump arrives for his 36 hour long maiden visit to India from February 24-25. Apart from the bilateral meetings with Prime Minister....

Wuhan Corona Outbreak: Penumbra and Umbra Effects

The Corona virus that originated in December 2019 at Wuhan continues to grab headlines world over. As on 10 Feb 2020, a total of 40625 cases of infections and 910 deaths were recorded. On 18 Feb 2020, the tally reads 73336 infection cases and 1874 d....

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