Commentaries & Articles
Current Geopolitical Trends and Impact on South Asia

(Given below is the presentation made by Dr. Arvind Gupta at the South Asia University on 12th March 2025) Introduction International politics is never static. A new geopolitical environment, based on a new bal....

The Kyrgyz-Tajik Border Deal: A Step Closer Towards Regional Cooperation in Central Asia

The recently concluded Kyrgyz-Tajik border demarcation agreement marks a significant milestone in Central Asia’s ongoing efforts to address long-standing territorial disputes. After more than three decades of disputes, violent skirmishes, and polit....

PM Modi’s Visit to Mauritius Elevates Partnership

Prime Minister Narendra Modi was on a visit to Mauritius, an Indian Ocean Island country and a member of African Union from 11-12 March 2025. The visit is momentous, as Prime Minister Modi was invited to participate in the national day celebrations o....

Greenland, Geopolitics and Global Power Shifts- The Run for Resources

Even though Donald Trump’s recent withdrawal from the Paris Agreement was not a surprise, the lan....

Making Sense of Trump’s Ukraine U-turn

The US President Donald Trump’s friendlier stance towards the Russian President Vladimir Putin, on the one hand, and fiery altercation with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, on the other, has baffled the world. Within the US, the Democrats ha....

Global Trends on Chip Design and Fabrication-Related Research

In September 2024, the then Senator Marco Rubio (now Secretary of State of the United States of America) published a ‘....

Xi Jinping Concerned About Weakening Political Ideology in PLA

There are adequate signs that Chinese President Xi Jinping and senior echelons of the Chinese leadership are concerned at the levels of corruption in the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) and China’s defence industry. They are more worried at the wa....

Trump and the South African Land Act: A Growing Conundrum

At a time of massive flux in geopolitics, the United States (US) has issued South Africa an executive order that cuts its financial assistance, as a way to criticise the recently passed ‘land expropriation act’ and Pretoria's genocide case agains....

India and Russia: Navigating the Challenges Amidst Global Geopolitical Shifts

Introduction In the post-COVID era, the global geopolitical landscape has been highly unstable and marked by continuing military conflicts with far-reaching implications globally. Even the countries that are not directly participating in ....

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