In the heart of Jaisalmer, known as the “Golden City” for its remarkable yellow sandstone architecture, lies a revolutionary educational and architectural marvel. The Rajkumari Ratnavati Girls’ School stands as a testament to the fusion of visi....
It is undeniable that the emerging trajectory of relations between India and a few key Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) states have become one of the most successful stories of the current foreign policy of the Narendra Modi-led government since mid-20....
Since the 04 Feb 2022 Xi-Putin summit, strategic analysts have accorded greater attention to the growing ties between China and Russia. The Russia-Ukraine war that would start twenty days later has brought forth new dynamics, as well as limitations o....
In this episode of VIF podcast, Shri Rakshpaul Singh Malhotra, former Indian Ambassador to Niger and Samir Bhattacharya, Senior Research Associate at the Vivekananda International Foundation discusses the current contours of India’s collaboration w....
The concern for climate change has spurred an intense debate on energy transition to a low carbon economy. Climate change is an existential problem facing humanity. While the developed world has contributed most to global warming, its consequences wi....
In this episode of the VIF podcast, Mr PK Khup Hangzo, Associate Fellow and Ambassador DP Srivastava, Distinguished Fellow at the Vivekananda International Foundation discuss the ongoing clean energy transition and what it means for India and the wor....