Monthly Compilation of Views of VIF Expert Groups: March 2024

During the month, the VIF Neighbourhood Experts Group hosted a roundtable discussion to analyse recent developments in Nepal and their implications for India. It emerged that Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal's removal of the Nepali Congress from the....

Neighborhood News Digest- 10 April 2024

Strategic Meeting Held to Find Alternative Trade Avenues: Ministry-Tolo News
The Ministry of Industry and Commerce said that in the first meeting to explore alternate trade routes for Afghanistan with its regional ....

Recent Developments Add to Instability in Pakistan

Juxtapositions and complexities rather than a neat straight line mark the trajectory of Pakistan’s politics. Pakistan is in a state of crisis. On almost all fronts whether it is politics, economy, security and foreign policy the country is in dee....

Known and Unknown Facts about North Korea: Is Kim Jong-un still alive?

One of the most isolated countries in contemporary world, North Korea is never short of news and hogs the limelight in international media outlets. Whether it is its withdrawal from the 1968 Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty ....

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