International Relations/Diplomacy
Talk by Ambassador of Norway to India; India-Norway Collaboration on Climate Change, Arctic, Maritime, and Sustainable Blue Economy

On March 3, 2025, the Vivekananda International Foundation (VIF) hosted a talk by the Ambassador of Norway to India Amb. Ms. May-Elin Stener on India-Norway collaboration on Climate Change, Arctic, Maritime, and Sustainable Blue Economy. She spoke on how India’s engagement with Norway could be transformational while enabling greater Indian participation in the Arctic Council, touching upon the upcoming third India-Nordic Summit and how it could facilitate deeper India-Norway bilateral relations. She also touched upon the India-EFTA Trade and Economic Partnership Agreement.

State of the World: Emerging Trends and Way Forward - An Indian Perspective

The inaugural Vivekananda International Foundation’s (VIF) State of the World: Emerging Trends and Way Forward report offers an analytical and comprehensive analysis of global and regional developments, trends, and policy dynamics, through an Indian lens.

Book discussion on Changing Geopolitics of Global Communication

On January 2, 2025, the Vivekananda International Foundation (VIF) hosted a discussion on Professor Daya Thussu’s book, Changing Geopolitics of Global Communication. The session began with opening remarks by Dr. Arvind Gupta, Director of VIF, followed by an overview of the book by Professor Thussu. Amb. Venkatesh Varma and Prof. Sujit Dutta contributed as discussants, exploring themes such as the transformation of global communication infrastructure, the weaponization of cyberspace, and the role of digital platforms in development.

VIF Europe Expert Group Meeting- Panel Discussion India-EU FTA: Opportunities, Challenges, and the Road Ahead

On December 12, 2024, the Vivekananda International Foundation (VIF), as a part of their Europe Expert Group Meeting, hosted a Panel Discussion on the India-EU FTA: Opportunities, Challenges, and the Road Ahead. The session was chaired by Amb. Anil Wadhwa. The panelists included Prof. Gulshan Sachdeva, Chief Coordinator, DAKSHIN, RIS, and Professor, Centre for European Studies, JNU, and Prof. Arpita Mukherjee, Professor and Economic Policy Researcher at ICRIER. The session was also attended by Dr. Arvind Gupta and Lt. Gen. R.K. Sawhney.

VIF-Habibie Centre Joint Seminar

On November 27, 2024 the Vivekananda International Foundation in collaboration with the Habibi Center, hosted a commemorative Indonesia joint seminar, celebrating 75 years of diplomatic relations between India and Indonesia. The seminar served as a platform for dialogue, collaboration, and reflection on the shared history, evolving partnerships, and future aspirations of the two nations. Esteemed delegates, scholars, and representatives from both countries participated in the discussions, included; Dr. Arvind Gupta, Director, VIF; Dr.

Interaction with the Delegation from Kenya

On 13th November, the Vivekananda International Foundation (VIF) hosted an interaction with the delegation from Kenya led by Ms. Roseline K. Njogu, Principal Secretary, State Department for Diaspora Affairs. Other members of the State Department for Diaspora Affairs participating in the discussion were, Mr Boniface K Munzala, Director, Investments and Remittances, Ms Emma Gicheha, Director, Welfare & Rights, Mr William Maundu, Senior Economist, Third Secretaries-Mr Meisashi Ledama, Mr Philip Opwora, Ms Shukri Abdi Sirat along with the Kenya High Commissioner, Mr.

India-Indonesia Relations – A Civilizational Partnership; Ed. Vinod Anand; Pentagon Press 2024, New Delhi, ISBN 978-881-980002-7-9

As India and Indonesia have embarked into commemorating and celebrating the 75th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations, the joint publication of edited volume titled India-Indonesia Relations – A Civilizational Partnership by the Vivekananda International Foundation (India) and Habibie Centre (Indonesia) is not only timely and informative but also immensely valuable collection of analysis under one platform, which entail the unique relations that the two countries have been nurturing for the last two millennia.

Interaction with the Visiting Delegation from Danish Foreign Policy Society

On December 3, 2024, the Vivekananda International Foundation (VIF) hosted an interaction with a delegation from the Danish Foreign Policy Society, Copenhagen, Denmark. The Danish Foreign Policy Society was formed on December 31, 1946, mainly by members of the Danish resistance movement with a view to secure Denmark’s active participation in the world, international institutions, and the liberal world order. The delegation consisted of 27 participants from different professional backgrounds, and the theme of the discussion was ‘India on the Move’. The session was chaired by Lt. Gen. R. K.

India - Indonesia Relations: A Civilisational Partnership

Indonesia and India are maritime neighbours that have strong cultural, civilisational and historical bonds. This edited volume commemorates the 75th anniversary of establishment of diplomatic relations and reviews the evolving relationship between India and Indonesia along many facets of bilateral, regional and global interfaces. These relationships have been built on the basis of ‘Bandung Sprit’ which have Das Sila or ten principles (as opposed to five principles of Panchsheel) as underlying principles for peace, stability, security and prosperity.

Roundtable Discussion on Expectations from G20 Brazil Summit

On October 28, 2024, Vivekananda International Foundation (VIF) hosted a roundtable discussion on ‘Expectations from G20 Brazil Summit’. The roundtable discussion was set forth to understand and evaluate the Brazilian presidency of Group of 20 (G-20) and the ongoings issues before the forthcoming G20 Summit at Rio de Janeiro. The roundtable was conducted in a hybrid mode attended by eminent diplomats, esteemed experts, and scholars. Key discussion points: Transition and Continuity from India’s Presidency

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