National Security and Strategic Studies
India Begins From Arunachal, Does Not End With It

Speakers from Arunachal Pradesh at a seminar on “The Land of the Rising Sun: Arunachal” today evening stressed on the urgent need for faster integration of the state into the national mainstream and warned of lurking dangers – from missionaries and anti-national groups internally and from China externally. Panelists at the seminar, organised by the Vivekananda International Foundation, unanimously asked the government as well as the people of India to spread better awareness about Arunachal Pradesh instead of routine reaffirmation of how Arunachal is an integral part of the country.

The Rise of Indian Military Power & Evolution of an Indian Strategic Culture a book by Major Gen G D Bakshi

‘The Rise of Indian Military Power & Evolution of an Indian Strategic Culture’ a book by Major Gen G D Bakshi was launched by General Shankar Roychowdhury at the VIF auditorium on December 17, 2009. The book does a detailed examination of the India’s defence strategy and its evolution throughout the history of India.

Indian Strategic thought and military traditions a talk with Major Gen Bakshi

Vimarsh, the monthly talk was held on 26th November 2009 at Vivekananda International Foundation. Major Gen Bakshi delivered the talk on ‘Indian Strategic thought and military traditions’.

Efface the danger of left wing extremism forever a talk by Shri Prakash Singh

Former Director of the Border Security Force, Prakash Singh IPS (Retd) delivered the monthly talk on ‘Naxal threat - State Response’ on 30th October 2009 at Vivekananda International Foundation. He examined the dimesnions of the threat and the state policy options to contain it.

Islamic Terrorists Pose Nuke Attack Danger: General Myers

Interaction with General Richard Myers, former Chairman of the joint chiefs of Staff, US Former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff of the United States had an interaction with VIF security experts on 19 January 2010.

Naxal Threat to the Indian State: Shri Ajit Doval

Ajit Doval, the Director of Vivekananda International Foundation and former Director of Intelligence Bureau spoke on Naxal threat to the Indian state on 21st August 2009 at Vivekananda International Foundation

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