Significance & Potential of Indo-US Relations in the Post-Covid World : Interaction with Amb. Kenneth Juster

The VIF hosted a special web-based interaction session with H.E. Mr. Kenneth Juster, Ambassador of U.S. to India on May 28, 2020. Amb. Juster spoke about the evolving geopolitical scenario in a post-Pandemic world, and the crucial position that U.S.-....

COVID 19 and Emerging Geo-politics

A meeting of the US Experts Group at VIF comprising Director, VIF, Dr Arvind Gupta, Ambassador Arun K Singh, former Ambassador of India to the United States Former Foreign Secretary, Ambassador Kanwal Sibal, Defence experts Lt Gen Ravi Sawhney, Lt Ge....

COVID-19 Paves the Way for a Cashless Economy in China

Governments worldwide are at the time engaged in containing COVID-19 and have either initiated unprecedented lockdowns or following strict social distancing protocols for public safety and prevent community transmission. The World Health Organisation....

The US and the Coronavirus Crisis

With over 160,000 confirmed coronavirus cases and 2500 deaths, the United States has emerged as the new epicentre of the corona virus pandemic sweeping across the world. Amidst global shutdowns and remain-at-home orders, the United States has seen a....

Analysing Trump’s India Visit

The deep camaraderie seen between the two leaders during US President Trump’s visit to India is a testimony to the tenacity of India-US relations that continues to deepen despite challenges. Though the visit was high on pomp, pageantry and symbolis....

राष्ट्रपति ट्रम्प की भारत यात्रा : सामरिक संदर्भ पर ध्यान देने की आवश्यकता

राष्ट्रपति ट्रम्प 24-25 फरवरी, 2020 को भारत की राजकीय यात्रा पर आ रहे हैं। भारत सरकार नि:संदेह भ्रमणका....

India-US relationship –Strategic as it is!

“Namaste Trump ji” is going to be the reverberation through media and speeches in the two days as President Donald Trump arrives for his 36 hour long maiden visit to India from February 24-25. Apart from the bilateral meetings with Prime Minister....

President Trump’s Visit to India: Need to Focus on the Strategic Context

President Trump is visiting India on a state visit on 24-25 February 2020. The Indian government will no doubt lay out the red carpet for the visiting President. This is President Trump’s first visit to India as President. Although the visit comes ....

Exploring Iran’s Domestic Dynamics towards the US

The internal political dynamics in Iran are divided into three blocs namely the clergy, the technocracy and the military and security forces. The interplay between the three blocs into the clergy-military; military-technocrat and clergy-technocrat al....

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