Will Indo-US Relations Survive The Strain of Geopolitics?

The US permanent envoy to the UN Nikki Haley, known for her hardline views on Iran and Russia, visited India from June 26-28, 2018. The visit should have strengthened Indo-US relations but the impact seems to have been just the opposite. The percepti....

Russia’s Evolving Equations with the USA and China: Implications for India

Introduction This monograph seeks to understand the major shifts that are taking place in the global power structure established at the end of World War II in 1945 by examining the dynamics of the interaction between the United States (US), Russia....

Politics and Implications of US Withdrawal from the UNESCO

On Thursday, 12th October, 2017, the Trump Administration abruptly announced that United States would withdraw from its membership of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation or the UNESCO. Israel made a similar....

The False Euphemism of ‘New Cold War’

Introduction Russia’s relationship with West has been on a downward trajectory for a very long period of time. It is under this pretext that an eminent discourse of ‘A New Cold War’ has emerged in the official and academic c....

America's Future is with India and Israel

Diplomatic Transformation From the Indo-Pacific to the Mediterranean, a diplomatic transformation is underway. The winds of change are blowing not from Beijing, but from Delhi. President Donald Trump has an opportunity to harness ....

Senior Trump Aide Kenneth Juster named as US Envoy to India

The White House has named senior White House official and Trump aide Kenneth Juster as the next US ambassador to India thereby ending a months-long speculation that saw several Indian-American names crop up as potential candidates. This notification ....

Trump's 100 Days in Office: The Highs and Lows for Africa

April 29th, 2017 ushered in hundred days of Donald Trump’s presidency. Many media outlets have examined the significance of his presidency for the United States of America (USA), and also, for the country’s foreign policy. It is but natural that ....

VIF Delegation in Washington DC

A delegation from the VIF comprising Director, General NC Vij, Lt Gen Ravi Sawhney. Ambassador Kanwal Sibal, Lt Gen Davinder Kumar and Dr. Harinder Sekhon visited Washington DC from 28 February 2017 to 04 March 2017 for the annual ‘Quad Plus Dialog....

US Presidential Election – the Final Countdown

As the race to the White House enters its final day, attention gets re-focused on polls that have tightened and predict a very close race. An ABC/ Washington Post poll on November 1 gave Trump a 1% lead over Clinton and an 8-point lead over her on th....

Interaction with Ambassador Timothy Roemer, former Member of the U.S. Congress and Ambassador to India

On 26 Sep 2016, the VIF held a fascinating interaction with Ambassador Timothy J. Roemer, former Member of the US Congress for six terms from Indiana and Ambassador to India (2009-2011), sharing his perspective on the 2016 U.S. presidential election,....

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