Cure for the ‘International Migraine’

A perusal of the US embassy cables made public by Wikileaks makes it clear that while the US has all the information and intelligence about the double-game being played by Pakistan, it finds itself clueless, even helpless, in bringing to an end this ....


Interaction with Robert D. 'Bob' Hormats, Under Secretary of State for Economic, Business, and Agricultural Affairs. A very interesting interaction was held at the VIF Seminar hall from 1130-1300h on 11 Sep. 2010 between US Under-Secretary of Stat....

John Negroponte visits VIF

Former US Deputy Secretary of State and Director, National Intelligence, John Negroponte visited Vivekananda International Foundation (VIF) on Wednesday, March 17, 2010, to interact with the senior faculty and scholars of VIF and a few seasoned strat....

Interaction with Michael Chertoff, Former United States Secretary of Homeland Security

Michael Chertoff, former United States Secretary of Homeland Security and Paul A. Schneider, former Deputy Secretary for the US Department of Homeland Security discussed various aspects of internal security with VIF security experts.....

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