VIF Neighbourhood News Digest - November 18, 2022

Participants at Moscow Format Release Joint Statement: Tolo News
The participants of the Moscow Format discussed the current situation in Afghanistan with an emphasis on regional security, military-political stabil....

VIF Neighbourhood News Digest - November 17, 2022

Envoys of Over 10 Countries Discuss Afghanistan at Moscow Format: Tolo News
Representatives and officials from more than 10 countries exchanged views on the Afghan situation in the "Moscow Format" meeting on Afghan....

VIF Neighbourhood News Digest - October 14, 2022

Uzbekistan President Suggests Forming Intl Group to Coordinate with Kabul: Tolo News
Speaking at the 6th CICA Summit Astana 2022, the president of Uzbekistan, Shavkat Mirziyoyev, suggested the establishment of an i....

VIF Neighbourhood News Digest - October 13, 2022

Imposing Sanctions Does Not Benefit Kabul, Washington: Islamic Emirate: Tolo News
The Islamic Emirate reacted to the new sanctions imposed by the US on the members of the Islamic Emirate, saying that such sanctions....

VIF Neighbourhood News Digest- October 12, 2022

Afghanistan is Candidate for UN Human Rights Council: Faiq: Tolo News
The Chargé d'Affaires of the Afghanistan Permanent Mission to the UN, Naseer Ahmad Faiq, said that Afghanistan is a candidate for membership in....

VIF Neighbourhood News Digest- October 10, 2022

Intelligence Head Wasiq Meets Deputy CIA Head in Doha: Source: Tolo News
A source from the Islamic Emirate confirmed that a delegation of the Islamic Emirate met with US officials in Doha on Saturday. The source sa....

Climate Change: Takeaway from the IPCC's Sixth Assessment Report

In this episode of the VIF podcast, Ms Heena Samant, Research Assistant and Mr PK Hangzo, Associate Fellow at the Vivekananda International Foundation discuss the findings of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change's (IPCC) Sixth Assessment Re....

Floods in China: Yet another critical test for Xi Jinping

Floods in China are an annual phenomenon. This year’s flood comes at the time when China is already battling the COVID-19 which has hit 27 out of 31 provinces of China. Since June, torrential rain in China has broken all records. It is the most dev....

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