Joint Report : Impact of Ukraine War on Various Regions/ International Concerns

The VIF Young Scholars Forum discussed ‘Impact of Ukraine War on Various Regions/ International Concerns’ in their weekly meeting on 08 April 2022. Scholars raised ramifications and responses to the Ukraine War as pertaining to their assigned fie....

Pakistan: Worsening Economic Condition

Pakistan was already going through an economic slowdown when the COVID outbreak took place. It had received the US $ 6 billion of assistance from the IMF under Extended Fund Facility last year. The money came with conditions. The IMF policy of inflat....

COVID-19 International Developments: Daily Scan, May 21, 2020

Coronavirus stimulus inflation risk depends on politics, not economics
What shifts a society from being in the column of present-day Japan or the U.S. to being in the column with Argentina of the 1980s or Weimar Germa....

COVID-19 International Developments: Daily Scan, May 20, 2020

Celebrities and ostentatious wealth lose their appeal in coronavirus crisis
The outsized egos and ostentatious displays of wealth that were once so captivating now feel weirdly pointless and even irrelevant. But will ....

COVID-19 International Developments: Daily Scan, May 19, 2020

Merkel, Breaking German ‘Taboo,’ Backs Shared E.U. Debt to Tackle Virus
Faced with economic calamity and the threat of the coronavirus further fracturing the European Union, Chancellor Angela Merkel of Germany on ....

COVID-19 International Developments: Daily Scan, May 4, 2020

Emerging market currencies mark biggest falls in 5 years
The MSCI Emerging Market Currency Index, which tracks overall movements of emerging market currencies, dropped 6% in the January-March period this year; the ste....

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