COVID-19 aftermath: An agenda for QUAD

The COVID-19 pandemic has challenged the entire world. Once the world has overcome the pandemic, a lot of rethinking is likely to occur in global politics. Countries had always emphasised cooperation in their foreign policies. The present crisis has....


The coroning ignominy Will come when we discover The roots of the conspiracy And the “WHO-HAN” link uncover Ideas whether batty or not Immersed in Made-in-China soup At all that thrown into the pot The world must look at with a ....

Vietnam as ASEAN Chair - Preparing for the Next Decade

The ASEAN under the Chairmanship of Vietnam has been preparing a draft for the mid-term review of the Overall Plan for the Implementation of the ASEAN Community Vision 2025. It is assessing the outcomes and accordingly working out a feasible timeline....

COVID-19 in West Asia: Implications for India

The COVID-19 crisis has reflected the significance of nation-state and national boundaries continue to remain the principle barrier to contain the transmission of the pandemic. The initial response in most states included the sealing off of land bord....

COVID-19 International Developments: Daily Scan, April 15, 2020

Putin seizes crude supply deal to oil relations with Trump
The Russian president and his US counterpart have held five conversations since March 30, more than in the whole of 2019, as they negotiated the largest ever....

Covid-19 and India’s Maoists

Even as the country is under a lockdown in the wake of COVID-19, also being referred to as novel Corona virus, alleged sympathisers of Naxalites of the Communist Party of India (Maoist), Maoists in short, Gautam Navlakha and Anand Teltumbde have been....

Armed Forces in Aid to Civilian Authorities in COVID-19 environment

COVID-19 has tested healthcare and associated infrastructure of nations like nothing else before. There are precedents e.g. the Spanish Flu, but none on the scale of COVID-19. Under such a catastrophic environment, the role of the Armed Forces in ass....

Post Tablighi Jamaat Fiasco - The Way Forward

Last one week has seen an exponential rise in N-COVID-19 cases, with the religious congregation of Tablighi Jamaat (TJ) followers at the Markaz in Delhi, acting as a significant trigger. It is appalling that despite so many advisories from the state ....

COVID-19 International Developments: Daily Scan, April 13, 2020

Is the TB Vaccine responsible for the large deaths in West?
The novel coronavirus is rampaging across the world, but its impact is not equal; it is hammering some populations, while leaving others relatively unscathe....

Global Impact of Covid-19 Crisis

Covid-19 is the first full-blown crisis of a hyper-connected world. It arose as the local outbreak in China at Wuhan city, and within a few weeks, it had spread all across the world. More than a million Corona positive cases have been noticed and mor....

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