To Lockdown or Not

All Indians await with bated breath the government's decision as to what should be done on expiry of the current countrywide lockdown. There are no easy answers and this is an occasion when no one would envy being in Prime Minister Modi's shoes. Indi....

COVID-19 in Central Asia: Responses and Resolutions

Dealing with the coronavirus pandemic has become a serious challenge for countries across the globe. The virus has stressed public health systems worldwide and disrupted the global economy. The novel Coronavirus that emerged ....

Covid-19: Can it be the Sputnik Moment for India?

History often tells us that the best in you comes out in the worst of circumstances. At times devastations caused both by man and nature has impelled people and nations to rebuild from the ruins. There is no dearth of instances when people have rise....

COVID-19 International Developments: Daily Scan, April 10, 2020

Despite COVID-19, U.S. Military Remains Ready to Fight
"To those who wish us harm, make no mistake: even with the challenges that this disease has brought to our shores, the Department of Defense stands ready to meet....

Rethinking National Security in an Age of Pandemics

National security has traditionally been defined and understood in military terms. This notion of national security focuses on threats such as external armed aggression, Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD), terrorism, insurgenc....

Afghanistan: Taliban abandons the 'peace talks'

Amid the global pandemic, when the countries are fighting for their very survival, the war in Afghanistan is slowly simmering. On Tuesday, the Taliban directed their negotiating team to end the ongoing discussions with the Afghan government on 'priso....

COVID-19 International Developments: Daily Scan, April 9, 2020

Some doctors moving away from ventilators for virus patients
As health officials around the world push to get more ventilators to treat coronavirus patients, some doctors are moving away from using the breathing machine....

COVID-19 ails the Beijing Model

The United Nations Security Council, the Premier forum to discuss threats to global peace and security, is yet to discuss COVID-19. An attempt to address the Virus was blocked by China last month while it served as the Chair of the Security Council. ....

COVID-19 International Developments: Daily Scan, April 8, 2020

Land ports in China beef up drive against imported infections
Chinese land ports around the country are enhancing prevention and control measures on imported coronavirus cases amid a flood of land arrivals after most ....

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