Syrian Unrest: A Decade of Misery for Syrians

18th March 2021 marks the 10th anniversary of the commencement of unrest in Syria. The arrest and ill treatment of 15 schoolboys in Darra, a town on the border with Jordan led to about 3000 people holding a demonstration after Friday prayers, demandi....

Japan-South Korea Entente Vital for Peaceful Indo-Pacific

The Indo-Pacific region has gradually assumed a centrality in the global strategic balance for peace and security. The stability and tranquility of the four decades after the conclusion of the Vietnam War is being challenged by an aggressive China. ....

World’s Options on Myanmar Limited

A little over a month has passed since Myanmar’s army chief Min Aung Hlaing shocked the world by seizing power on 1 February from the democratically elected National League for Democracy (NLD), and arrested the country’s civilian leader Aung San ....

India’s Cyber Deterrence Against China

Cyber Threats from China: Chinese Offensive Capabilities and Modus Operandi
China raised cyber war units way back in 20031. Major objectives of these units has been cyber surveillance, manipulating network data, disseminating p....

The Indo-Pacific: A Pause in the Game

The State of Play
As a Covid-wounded global community steps gingerly into 2021, a year ‘trumpeting’ a change of guard in the US, the centenary of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), and an ongoing military stand-off between India and Chi....

हालिया प्रदर्शनों में हाईब्रिड युद्ध का उपक्रम

21वीं सदी में, परम्परागत युद्धों का दौर बीत गया है। उसके नये-नये रूपों जैसे कम घनत्व वाले युद्धों,....

Afghanistan: Status of Doha Agreement and the Way Forward

To mark one year of the Doha Agreement between the US and the Taliban, signed on 29 February 2020 in Doha, the Vivekananda International Foundation in collaboration with a prominent Kabul based think tank, Afghans Institute for Strategic St....

Japan’s Dilemma in Dealing with the Junta in Myanmar

The military takeover of the democratically elected government and the dubious civilian-military power sharing agreement has been criticised by the global community. At a time when Myanmar was navigating through its nascent d....

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