COVID-19 Pandemic and Indian Armed Forces

The traditional Tamil treatise, Thirukkural, written over 2,000 years ago had defined a nations’ characteristics, "Pini inmai Selvam Vilaivinbam Emam, aniyenba Nattirkiv vainthu," implying that, "the important elements that constitute a n....

Myanmar’s Return to Tragic Past, Set for a Long Haul

At a time when Myanmar was leapfrogging to give a sound footing to its nascent experiment of democracy after decades of military rule, the military takeover on 1 February put the clock back to where it was with debilitating consequences. The junta re....

Action Plan for Handling the Covid-19 Threat-Second and Subsequent Waves

Vivekananda International Foundation conducted a webinar on 01 May 2021 on the challenges arising from the second phase of the Covid-19 pandemic. Leading specialists from various fields participated in the webinar and included Members of the National....

The Oxygen Crisis in Second Wave Covid-19 Pandemic in India and “We the People”

The Silver Lining
Dr. Rajendra Bharud an Indian Administrative Services (IAS) officer of 2013 batch presently Collector Nandurbar in the tribal area of Maharashtra started setting up a liquid oxygen plant way back in September 2020 when t....

India’s Maoists: Utility of Counterinsurgency and Futility of Talks

There was a flurry of analyses in the wake of the 03 April 2021 clash between India’s Security Forces [SFs] and the Maoist insurgents at the Sukma-Bijapur border region in the central Indian state of Chhattisgarh.123

China’s Communist Party Revises its History yet again in time for use by Xi Jinping

History and the power of the narrative have always been important to authoritarian regimes. Communist regimes have elevated their importance by using them to indoctrinate entire generations with sanitised versions of events authorised by those in pow....

Biden’s Exit Plan: US decides to Pullout Troops from Afghanistan by September 11, 2021

On April 13, 2021, US President Joe Biden announced the departure of American troops from Afghanistan by September 11 this year- a symbolic date, coinciding with the horrific terrorist attack on the World Trade Center in the New York City and Pentago....

Yoshihide Suga’s Tryst with India

When Prime Minster Abe Shinzo laid down his office in August 2020 rather suddenly it sent shock waves of anxiety among most Japan watchers, policy planners and the political elite in India. Everyone wondered as to what could be the future of this bur....

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