The Pitfalls of the China-EU Comprehensive Agreement on Investment

On December 30, leaders from Brussels and Beijing reached terms on a new China-EU Comprehensive Agreement on Investment (CAI). After seven years of negotiations, the deal will reportedly grant the EU enhanced market access in China, in sectors such a....

What does Eighth Party Congress of North Korea Reveal?

North Korea held the Eighth Congress of the Workers’ Party (WPK) after a gap of four and half years. It started on 5 January and lasted for unusually prolonged eight days until 12 January. The previous Congresses were held ....

Annual Review of Islamic State and Al Qaeda: What is on the Horizon in 2021?

The past year began with a pathological threat for the world which was detrimental not only for public health, politics, and economics but also for global security. The keywords for the year 2020 were COVID-19, geopolitical rea....

Trends in West Asia in 2020

COVID-19 in West Asia
The COVID-19 pandemic has a devastating impact on human lives and the economic situation in the West Asian and North African region. The UAE was the first state in the region to report a positive case on 29 January....

Xi Jinping Further Strengthens Chinese Communist Party’s ‘Magic Weapon’-The United Front Work Department

China is making efforts to arrest the slide in US-China relations and lower temperatures after Joe Biden takes over as President on January 20. In addition to Chinese Politburo member and former Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi’s plans for visiting Was....

International Security: Review of 2020 & Projections for 2021

The year 2020 shall be recorded as an unprecedented year in the modern history of humankind. The outbreak of China-origin Coronavirus (also known as COVID-19) has eclipsed the events in global security. On one side, the spread of coronavirus enforced....

Pakistan: The Relentless Killings of the Hazaras1

The cold-blooded killing of 11 Shia Hazara miners in Geshtari area of Machh, Balochistan on 03 January 2021 by the Islamic State (IS) refocused attention on the brutal persecution of minorities in Pakistan in recent decades. However, even among the m....

All Eyes on the Horn of Africa and its Balancing Act

The 38th Summit of the Intergovernmental Authority for Development (IGAD) held in late December 2020, has been a focus of attention. This is unusual for the organisation. The IGAD is headquartered in Djibouti and was formed in 1986. The IGAD was revi....

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