Commentaries & Articles
Commentary: Pakistan - Significance of Pashtun Protests

Pakistan’s capital Islamabad has seen many dharnas and protests in the last few years. However, perhaps for the first time it was witness to a 10-day sit-in (01-10 February 2018) by about 5000 Pashtuns largely from the Federally Administered Tribal....

Commentary: Bangladesh - The Khaleda Zia Verdict and its Political Implications

In a judicial verdict of unprecedented political import, on February 8, 2018, a Special Court in Bangladesh sentenced the former Prime Minister and leader of Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP), Begum Khaleda Zia, to a five-year jail term, in a case o....

Maldives-The Crisis Continues-Need for Early De-escalation

President Yameen Abdul Gayoom’s assault on democratic norms and principles is continuing unabated. After having declared the state of emergency on 6th February, 2018 for 15 days, he has gone in for a further extension of the emergency provisions fo....

Commentary: Suspension of United States Aid to Pakistan

Issues Meriting Consideration The United States policy to Pakistan remains an enigma and has moved through ups and downs. 2018 began with a tweet from the President that the ‘United States has foolishly given Pakistan more than ....

Commentary: Maldives in Turmoil- Political Conflict Intensifies

A Political Turmoil The island nation in the Indian Ocean is suddenly facing serious political turmoil on account of the sharp turn of events beginning Thursday on 1st February, 2018, when the Supreme Court of Maldives pronounced ....

India's Pakistan and China Policies must be Based on Realism not Hope

India's relations with Pakistan and China have been deeply troubled for several decades. With Pakistan, this has been the case since its inception, and with China since the 1960's. We have disputed borders with both countries and have been engaged in....

नेपाल: जुड़वां शहर का समझौता और जनकपुर एवं अयोध्या के बीच संपर्क

पृष्ठभूमि भारत और नेपाल के लोगों के बीच संबंध अनंत काल से बिना रुके चले आ रहे हैं। दुनिय�....

नेपाल के चुनावों का हाल

नेपाल सरकार ने 20 सितंबर, 2015 को लागू सबसे विवादित संविधान को क्रियान्वित करने की प्रक्रिया में इस ....

Nepal: Twin City Agreement and Connectivity between Janakpur and Ayodhya

Background People to people relations between Nepal and India continue unabated since time immemorial. No other two countries of the world are as much bound together as these countries in social, cultural, religious, economic and ....

Updates on Nepalese Elections

In the process of implementing the most controversial constitution promulgated on September 20, 2015, Nepal government completed local level elections for the 753 Village Councils/municipalities between May and September this year in three phases. Re....

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