A Retired Bureaucrat’s 2024 Election Takeaways

With the dust of the 2024 election having finally settled and a new National Democratic Alliance (NDA) government having been sworn in it is now appropriate to attempt to tease out some of its key takeaways. For starters, it should definitively pu....

Neighborhood News Digest- 02 May 2024

World Bank Provides $84 Million to Afghanistan-Tolo News
The World Bank in a statement said that it will provide $84 million in aid to Afghanistan. The World Bank's statement mentioned that this aid will be used to....

Neighborhood News Digest- 11 April 2024

Ministry: Afghanistan Side Ready for Resumption of Turkish Airlines Flights-Tolo News
The Ministry of Transport and Civil Aviation (MoTCA) said that Turkish Airlines may soon resume its flights to Afghanistan. Imam....

Vimarsha on Defining Democracy by Dr. A Surya Prakash

In the recent past, several reports have come out questioning the functioning of the Indian democracy. Responding to these reports, the Indian Foreign Ministry said that India had “robust institutions and well established democratic practices”....

Round Table at the VIF on Elections 2019 by Dr. A. Surya Prakash, Chairman, Prasar Bharti

During the course of the elections, Dr. A Surya Prakash visited the states of Karnataka, Haryana, Rajasthan, Delhi, Uttar Pradesh and West Bengal to understand how the people were voting. He shared his impression and insight during two round table d....

म्यांमार से आने वाले शरणार्थियों की बढ़त को लेकर मिज़ोरम ने जताई चिंता

हाल ही में मिज़ोरम सरकार ने म्यांमार में शरणार्थियों की समस्या को लेकर चेतावनी जारी की है। पिछल�....

Dawn of the Coalition Era in Indian Politics

Parliamentary and presidential democracies in modern India can function only with the presence of political parties. Constitutionally, India is a quasi-federal structure with a parliamentary form of government. The heterogeneous nature of Indian soci....

Nepal: Twin City Agreement and Connectivity between Janakpur and Ayodhya

Background People to people relations between Nepal and India continue unabated since time immemorial. No other two countries of the world are as much bound together as these countries in social, cultural, religious, economic and ....

सरदार सरोवर परियोजना: बड़ी उपलब्धि

प्रधानमंत्री नरेंद्र मोदी ने दक्षिण गुजरात में नर्मदा नदी पर बना सरदार सरोवर बांध 17 सितंबर को र....

भाजपा कैसे जीती... और कांग्रेस कैसे हारी

कांग्रेस के जिन गलियारों में निराशा के जाले और हार की सीलन मजबूत ये मजबूत इरादे वालों को भी उलटे....

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