Commentaries & Articles
Bangladesh: Quota Politics

What began as a small protest against quotas in government jobs in Dhaka University on 17 February 2018 soon spread to Chittagong, Khulna, Barisal, Mymensingh, Sylhet and some other parts of the country. It reached its peak on 8 April when students b....

Commentary: PM Modi’s Visit to Nepal - the Beginning of a New Chapter

Within a month of the first official foreign trip under taken by Nepal’s new Prime Minister K P Sharma Oli to New Delhi (Apr 6-8, 2018) which came within two months of his assumption of office in February 2018, the Indian Prime Minister Modi paid a....

Sri Lanka: Reforms in Policing-Work in Progress

The unfortunate incident of the police shoot out in Kataragama, a town in Monaragla district of south Sri Lanka on the night of 20th January, 2018, stirred up public protests and raised questions on the use of firearms by the police and related aspec....

पाकिस्तान में बढ़ती चीनी नौसेना की पैठ

चीन का जिवानी कार्यक्रम हाल ही में, मीडिया रिपोर्ट्स के अनुसार यह संभावना जताई जा रही ह�....

पाकिस्तान- पश्तून आन्दोलन का महत्त्व

पाकिस्तान की राजधानी इस्लामाबाद ने पिछले कुछ वर्षों में कई विरोध और धरना प्रदर्शन देखे है। परन....

श्रीलंका-पाकिस्तान संबंध - जनरल बाजवा का दौरा

पाकिस्तान पारंपरिक रूप से श्रीलंका के साथ द्विपक्षीय समझौते, विशेष तौर पर रक्षा-सम्बन्धी समझौ�....

Religious Conflict in Sri Lanka: An Assessment

Sri Lanka’s trauma with communal violence raging in Kandy eased on March 9, 2018. According to media reports (Times of India & Indian express, Mar. 10, 2018), no incidents were reported from the affected neighbourhoods of Kandy since then, although....

पश्तून में ‘लंबी पदयात्रा’ का विश्लेषण

पिछले दिनों, पश्तून समुदाय में पहली बार ऐसी लामबंदी देखने को मिली, जिसके माध्यम से इस्लामाबाद प�....

Commentary: Sri Lanka-Pakistan Relations: Visit of Gen. Bajwa

Pakistan has been traditionally working on enhancing mutual cooperation and strengthening of bilateral relationship, especially focusing on defense ties, with Sri Lanka. On more than one occasion, Sri Lanka has expressed gratitude for Pakistan’s he....

मालद्वीप में राजनितिक घमासान

राजनीतिक उथलपुथल हिन्द महासागर का यह टापू देश, मालद्वीप, उस वक़्त यकायक राजनैतिक घमासान �....

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