Commentaries & Articles
Myanmar Round Up: October 2020

Myanmar is scheduled to conduct the third general elections in November 2020. Senior General Min Aung Hlaing, Commander-in-Chief of the Defence Services, during the fifth anniversary of Nationwide Ceasefire Agreement (NCA) on 15 October stated that....

Tatmadaw’s Strategic Perspective on the Coco Islands of Myanmar

In the contemporary era, growing strategic competition among major powers and their power projection efforts in the Indo-Pacific region raise the importance of the Andaman & Nicobar Islands in the Indian Ocean. Along with the changing security landsc....

Redefining Two-Front War

On taking over as COAS, Gen Bipin Rawat, in December 2016 had said: “The two-front is a real scenario… the army, navy and IAF are now jointly very much prepared for such an eventuality.” In his first press conference as COAS, Gen Manoj N....

Terror Revelations from Pakistan

On 29 October Fawad Chaudhry, Minister for Science & Technology while speaking in the National Assembly, boasted that the Imran Khan government was responsible for the Pulwama attack in Jammu and Kashmir that had taken place in February 2019. The Pul....

India Gifts Submarine to Myanmar – An initiative in Line with the SAGAR Vision for Collective Growth and Security of Maritime Neighbours

India is gifting a Russian Kilo class submarine to Myanmar1. The diesel-electric submarine, INS Sindhuvir, was inducted in the Indian Navy in 1988 and continues to be in service. The submarine refurbished by the Hindustan Shipyard Ltd a De....

Pakistan’s Democratic Opening?

Pakistan’s opposition parties under the banner of Pakistan Democratic Movement (PDM) have unleashed a direct attack on Imran Khan Government and its military backers. After two rallies in Gujranwala and Karachi by PDM, Pakistan’s hybrid regime is....

नेपाल में संघवाद कितना टिकाऊ

संघवाद सरकार के कामकाज की एक प्रणाली है, जिसमें शक्तियां केंद्र और राज्यों में विभाजित होती है�....

Myanmar Round Up: September 2020

Myanmar entered a second wave of COVID-19 as the active cases reported as on 30 September 2020 are 12,427, and deaths reported are 284. The outbreak intensified since mid-August, and the maximum cases are reported from Yangon, Mandalay and Rakhine st....

Pakistan: Civil-Military Relations1

Whatever be the constitutional position, one thing is clear that in the final analysis, political sovereignty in Pakistan resides … where the coercive power resides… which is the ultimate authority in the decision-making process in Pakistan. T....

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