Commentaries & Articles
Pakistan- An Uncertain Road Ahead

2020 was an unpredictable year. It was a year of everything and nothing! Covid-19 crisis turned the world upside down. There was a strange paranoia that gripped the world. It was catastrophic and exhausting, unsettling and unimaginable. However, for....

Where do the Afghanistan-Taliban Peace Talks Stand?

Nearly two decades after the US-led military intervention in October 2001 toppled the Taliban, Washington was compelled to sign a ‘peace agreement’ with its nemesis. One of the most critical aspects of the agreement was to get the Afghan governme....

India and the BIMSTEC FTA Proposal: Need for a Rethink

Over the last two decades, the world economy has undergone a sea change. From technology to politics; very few things remain the same. But, BIMSTEC Free Trade Agreement (FTA) continues to be where it was. Mooted in 1998, it is still under discussion.....

Pakistan: The Relentless Killings of the Hazaras1

The cold-blooded killing of 11 Shia Hazara miners in Geshtari area of Machh, Balochistan on 03 January 2021 by the Islamic State (IS) refocused attention on the brutal persecution of minorities in Pakistan in recent decades. However, even among the m....

Myanmar 2020: Prospects and Challenges for 2021

Strategically located between the two giant neighbours, India and China; Myanmar has been working on its foreign policy and domestic interests since the beginning of the year 2020. The year 2020 also marked a significant breakthrough in Myanmar democ....

New US- China Cold War on Tibet and Take Aways for India

(The tone and temper of the two latest laws of the USA on Tibet and Xinjiang that US-China honeymoon is over and we should be ready to witness a new phase of US-China cold war. Extraordinary coordination between Republicans and Democrats in both h....

Neighbourhood Year End Review 2020: Way Forward for 2021

South Asia presents a vivid tapestry of human diversity in all its glory. Across its eight countries, adherents of all the world’s religions live side-by-side, speaking hundreds of languages and dialects, sharing deep cultural similarities, and cel....

Afghanistan: What Lies Ahead in 2021?

After a violence-ridden 2020 amid the COVID-19 pandemic, Afghanistan is looking ahead at a more turbulent new year as the United States plans for a full troop withdrawal from the country by May 2021. The intra-Afghan dialogue that began in Doha in Se....

US Takes First Step towards Recognising Tibetan Government-in-Exile: the Myth of Historic Chinese Suzerainty over Tibet

On 22nd of December, the United States finally decided to dust off its ‘Tibet inertia’ by passing the Tibetan Policy and Support Act of 2020 (TPSA), acknowledging the exclusive right of Tibetans only to choose a successor to the Dalai Lama. The a....

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