Commentaries & Articles
अमेरिका और रूस फिर आए एक साथ

16 जून को जिनेवा में अमेरिका-रूस शिखर-सम्मलेन बैठक के बाद सार्वजनिक रूप से बताए गए "निष्कर्षों" के....

अमेरिका की नाकामी का नतीजा

अफगानिस्तान आज जिस संकट से जूझ रहा है, वह अमेरिका और तालिबान के दोहा समझौते की नाकामी का नतीजा ह�....

Why it is Important for Japan to hold Olympic Games 2021

Had it not been for the COVID-19 and Abe Shizo’s ill health, Tokyo Olympic 20201 would have been a crowning glory on the political career of modern Japan’s most consequential Prime Minister. Alas! That was not to be. Showcasing Japan a....

Why are Central Asian Republics wooing Pakistan?

The emerging regional security threats post-US withdrawal from Afghanistan has led to an active engagement between Pakistan and Central Asian republics (CARs). The US and NATO forces were scheduled to be withdrawn from Afghanistan by 11 September 202....

What Recent Meetings Tell us About the Emerging World Order

The G7 summit meeting on 11 June, followed by the North Atlantic Council meeting (14 June), Russia-US summit (16 June) and the extension of the Russia-China Friendship Treaty for the next five years (28 June) give us important pointers to the shape o....

कोलंबो पोर्ट सिटी परियोजना एवं भारतीय सरोकार

निकटस्थ पड़ोसी के रूप में भारत और श्रीलंका दोनों ही अपने व्यापक द्विपक्षीय संबंधों का लाभ उठात....

Taiwan Needs World’s Support to Defend its Sovereignty

Like the South China Sea, the Taiwan Straits is another flashpoint in the Indo-Pacific region. Both have the China factor where it is flexing its military muscle. While in the South China Sea, it is in conflict with some other Asian countries which m....

कॉर्नवाल से सप्रेम1

प्रिय गैर-समूह7 नागरिकों आपने 12-13 जून 2021 को कॉर्नवाल में समूह-7 लोकतांत्रिक देशों के खुशहाल पर....

The Divergences in the Gulf Have Their Own Dynamic

West Asia has an unusual knack of keeping the watchers and analysts on feet most of the times. On the one hand ongoing conflicts and hotspots in Yemen, Libya, Syria and Iraq keep one frustrated. And on the other simmering cinders of the Arab Spring k....

Japan’s Four-day Workweek Proposal Unlikely to Work

Japan and Japanese are known for their famously workaholic corporate culture. There are cases in which companies have forced employees to put extra hours, thereby driving some to commit suicide and giving rise to the word karoshi or “death from ove....

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