Commentaries & Articles
Challenges for the New President of European Commission

Sixty year-old, Ursula von der Leyen, the German defense minister, has been nominated by the national governments of the European Union (EU) to be president of the European Commission (EC). If the nomination is approved by EU Parliament, Leyen will b....

पश्चिमी एशिया की समीक्षा- मई, 2019

अमेरिका और ईरान पवित्र रमजान का महीना मई, अमन बहाली के बजाय, मध्य-पूर्व में तनाव बढ़ने का गव�....

US Policy and India’s Energy Needs

The United States of America has decided to roll back the waivers on its sanctions on entities or countries engaged in oil trade with the Islamic Republic of Iran. The waivers known as Significant Reduction Exemption (SRE) expired on 2 May 2019. Non....

Trump’s visit to the DMZ: More Than Just Photo Optics?

Trump, in his impromptu diplomatic style, surprised the whole world when he tweeted an invitation to Kim to meet him at the Korean De-Militarized Zone (DMZ). The fact that Trump and Kim met on North Korean soil is a historic development. They met at ....

More Needs to be Done to Revitalise Chabahar Project

The latest Govt. of India`s regular budget of 2019-20, has a meagre allocation of Rs. 45 crore for the development and operationalising of Chahbahar Port infrastructure under the Ministry of External Affairs line of credit to finance this programme, ....

Losing Istanbul Twice: Erdogan’s Humbling Moment

Introduction President Erdogan’s ruling Justice and Development Party (also known as AKP by its Turkish acronym) conceded a major defeat in the re-run of Istanbul mayoral elections on June 23 indicating a tectonic shift in Turkey’s po....

West Asia Round up - June 2019

Abstract June was a particularly hot month in so far as the developments in the Middle East are concerned. In the US-Iran imbroglio one witnessed a ‘hot & cold’ approach with the US continuing with its maximum pressure tactics whi....

Iranian Nuclear Impasse: Perceptions, Political Posturing and Military Metaphors

Located on the cross roads of three continents and connectivity to the high seas, Persia has always been a perpetual conflict zone which speaks of martial legacy of its constituents. The resultant propensity for steadfast attitude has been an intrins....

ASEAN Adopts Outlook for Indo-Pacific 2019: Balances Aspirations and Affirms Indonesia’s Leadership

ASEAN took a landmark decision to adopt the ASEAN Outlook on Indo-Pacific on June 22, 2019 after more than a year of deliberations. Located centrally, in one of the most dynamic regions of the world today, ASEAN sees Southeast Asia as the conduit and....

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