Commentaries & Articles
एक्ट फार ईस्ट नीति: भारत की विदेश नीति में नया अंग

प्रधानमंत्री नरेंद्र मोदी रूस के राष्ट्रपति व्लादीमिर पुतिन के न्योते पर 4-5 सितंबर 2019 को ईस्टर्....

Iraq Protests and the Problem of Ethno-Sectarian Balancing

Iraq has been witnessing widespread protests that began in Baghdad on 1 October 2019 and spread throughout the state to express frustration about the deteriorating economic situation, corruption, unemployment, poverty, poor quality of services etc. T....

Modi-Xi and the Chennai Connect: From Home Town Diplomacy to Civilizational Diplomacy

Chinese President Xi Jinping visited India on the invitation of the Prime Minister Narendra Modi for the second informal summit. The previous one was held at the Wuhan in 2018. It was the 19th meeting between the two leaders at various multilateral a....

West Asia Round Up: September, 2019

Abstract The Persian Gulf Crisis The Middle East continued to worry the world especially in the wake of drone attacks on the two Saudi oil facilities that reduced the Saudi oil output by almost half. It displayed the vulnerabi....

Will DaMo help NaMo and Xi at Mahabalipuram?

It is strategic civilisational diplomacy at its symbolic best. Narendra Modi found that his second informal summit with Xi Jinping at Mahabalipuram in 2019 had been fixed 1,500 years ago by a prince of the Pallava dynasty, which ruled Mahabalipuram f....

Indic Statecraft and Indo-Pacific

India’s cartographic delimitation of Indo-Pacific broadly encompasses sea space from the western Pacific Ocean through Southeast Asia to the western Indian Ocean along the east coast of Africa. In this sea space it pursues an ‘eclectic blend’ o....

Can the Second Xi-Modi Summit Tackle the Really Difficult Issues

In just around a fortnight in mid-October, Chinese President Xi Jinping is scheduled to arrive in India for his second ‘informal’ meeting with Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi in the ancient coastal town of Mamallapuram near Chennai. Xi Jinpin....

India and Mongolia – The Spiritual Neighbours

Ironically, when one thinks of Mongolia the utter winter, cold climate, distance and exotic nature claim the mind-space. This is one country where Indians are loved probably due to the Buddhist connection and Himalayan heritage of the Mongolian peopl....

The Attack on Saudi Oil: What Next?

The world learnt with tremendous shock, surprise, and a degree of distress about the attack on Saudi oil facilities at Abqaiq and Khurais, bringing down the Saudi oil giant Aramco’s oil production by 5.7 million barrels a day. The attack occurred o....

Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov explains Russia’s World View

Like other great powers, Russia is keenly watching the global developments and how they impact it. It is seeking a place for itself in the rapidly changing world order. The Americans are talking about a rule-based order. The Chinese are expanding the....

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